I happy to discover some others who see through Malone, McCullough and Cole for what they are, not alt-saviors, but shepherds corralling the chattel to remain in the biopharma facade. I recall the couple who in years prior analyzed the contents of over 40 vaccines and found nano metals present in all, yet soon after were dead. At this stage having circumvented the injections but perhaps not sky dust and other insults and onslaughts, I'm interested in detection and chelation techniques. I have read of dDimer and EDTA chelation, and will investigate the Kraton/mitragyna mentioned above.

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No worry for the professors Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montanari well alive in Italy.

They studied 44 vaccines. They found graphene, in 2016, in 7 of them. Agrippal S1 de Novartis, Agrippal de Novartis, Meningitec de Pfizer, Meningitec de Wyeth Pharmaceutic, Vaxigrip de Sanofi-Pasteur , Feligen CRP de Virbac S.A. - Carros , Repevax de Sanofi-Pasteur.



“Environmental nanoparticles are significantly over-expressed in acute myeloid leukemia”. 2016

“Micro and nanoparticles as possible pathogenetic co-factors in mixed cryoglobulinemia”. 2016

“Case Studies in Nanotoxicology and Particle Toxicology”. 2015

“Nanopathology. The Health Impact of Nanoparticles” . 2008

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I wish I could BLAST this message NON-STOP to cut through the bullshit! I am sad that so many people follow the controlled opposition. Trading one psyop for another.

In the meantime Dominique, with your vast knowledge of plants, do you have any suggestions to aid in detox from nano/ graphene/metals? I am not vaxxed but my intuition tells me I could use a detox from environmental exposure. Thank you!

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Sources d’Anti-Oxydants pour Détruire la Couronne Nécro-Moléculaire d’Oxyde de Graphène


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Thank you Xochi!!! I'd just like to tell you AGAIN that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you write, especially I laugh with glee at the hilarious terms like EmptyCock/19 you use when describing this Bulls%it! Thank you for the levity! You are brilliant!

On another note. I would VERY MUCH appreciate your take on the natural medicinal plant KRATOM ( Mitrogyna Speciosa). I suspect it must be very beneficial because the medical mafiaso overlords have been trying to make it illegal for quite a few years. Thank you as always. Much Love & Warm Appreciation! Michelle

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By the Way, and through the Way, I am the French translator for the Nagual and Terton John Lash.


Part of the school is free, for ex: https://nemeta.org/course/16-planetary-tantra/

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Your writing is Fantastic! I found you thru a link on Telestia's substack.

Agreed on the controlled op and the ego driven PhD bunch. Been there done that :-) I have read JLL Not in His Image and will be reading it many more times.

I also joined Nemata. Thank you for your work! On The Menhir 26th of Sept. JLL posted a video link https://youtu.be/aPlpXX6hJ7w

Perhaps this should be added.


Now we have more religious experts and PhD's on the Dead Sea Scrolls and

Nag Hammadi library......follow the $$$$ !!

As JLL quotes

"WEF=World Ectoplastic Fungus of Techno Transhumanism Led by the Archontic Jaba the Hut Klaus Schwab"

I look forward to reading more of your work.

Thank You!

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Thank you Xochi. By the Way and through the Way. Love that!

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About Mitragyna speciosa, I never studied it but it is well known.

Plenty written on this medicinal plant: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=mitragyna+speciosa&page=1

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I am a fan of kratom and figure it must be doing something very well as the medical mafia wants it banned. About 3-4 years ago they began an all-out assault to demonize it and brainwash the masses that it is unsafe. I drink it as a supplement and find it works great for joint pain/inflammation. Very gentle, loving plant.. Also improves cognition and boosts energy.. I am in awe of your vast plant knowledge and was interested in what you particularly thought of it.. Alas, we cannot have everything...where would we put it! LOL😁😉

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Can you share a link for a good kratom?

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* Foreword:

We have, for sure, multiple crisis, call one a symptom.

Needing interventions.

I call the good ones “democratic” :=

{ safe, effective, cheap, available, TRANSPARENT}.

(All “measures” in pIandemic were undemocratic, EACH failing to fulfil at least one of the five conditions, de-masking the perpetrators in gvt and edu etc!: ANYONE pushing one intervention failing only 1 of the 5 conditions is an enemy of the remnants of democracy!:)

Also, preferrably choose intervention(s) making the symptom(s) _unnecessary_!

(Cite Prof Yoda: Nature is always right. If you have a symptom, it is the optimal solution to the state you are in right now. If you suppress it, others will be necessary.

Apply this to politics or socio-psychology:))

If you sneak out an intervention and (some) symptom(s) stay away, you may call it (partial) _healing_.

Interventions with healing potential are of course the best :)

Transparency shall be ensured by hidden and open interventions, against especially structural corruption, like detectives (and philosophers) protecting scientific projects against subversion and sabotage etc.. And controlled opposition. Multi-dimensional chess game that is.

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* Epigenetic: how to cure ???

I feel the effects of the PEG2k medical DEVICE very pronounced, namely reprogramming the epigenetic setup of immune activity (and what not?) “in an inheritable fashion”, even if you put in dummy protein molecules of the organism itself not able to do harm, see


(I had 8 yrs before (pfi vax) healed-out some viral infection that took quite some time to cure. 2 weeks after pfi it was back - to stay. Nearly 2 yrs now no change. Sub-infectious, but pronounced.

So CD4/8 seem to be deprived. Have to measure it. Eg start with nk and CD8 levels, as we all have to pay the analysis ourselves in DE, no insurance wants you to really LOOK. Even Immunologists only available in edu hospitals. Especially not before/after vax, which would be a good parameter for a cohort study, see “why are we vaccinating our children” p4 by Kostoff, which would be the duty of our FDA (called PEI). They denied. Instead resort to “visual inspection” of the vials for color and shading” to determine if it is emulsified properly, ha ha.

I need a cure for that epigenetic “trauma”. Because normally only traumata change epigentic setup in no time. Which could be any cure that heals traumata showing in immune system. They always do.

TCM energy built-up,

Ayurveda karma cure,

Russian information therapy or

energistic healing in general are the only approaches I found, but undemocratic, as unavailable to me. Too expensive or not enough practising it for treating 70% of population, the mRNA vaxed.

Please. Help me make one available, or help finding more simple and robust approaches.

We also have to measure CD8!and nK eg as “scout parameters” more affordably - perhaps one could use bead RTLAMP or could find indirect parameters.

As for the fractallity of “the enemy”:

It does not matter if some are playing a role as controlled opposition.

I feel we live in with hunt times, and denunciation is not only happening “to the system” but on many levels, splitting up the humans — so more easily to be controlled.

So also we have to get “pro’s” in psycho-history, as Asimov put it in his Foundation trilolgy. So I try to read Desmet’s Psychology of Totalitarianism.

But the true picture close to my perception was drawn by Crawford there:

The Moloch defined:


So find interventions making the symptom “MOLOCH” unnecessary.

I hope to read from you — about interventions making GO and disrupted immune system balances unnecessary, perhaps even healing it.

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To come to more graspable points:

One possible intervention is the systemic use of inorganic antiseptics, all have a therapeutic band (lower rim: lowest, still effective dosing, … the band, … upper rim: NOAEL, just no side effects).

I think there is a reason why the EU wants to forbid CIO2. (It can not be the 3 people that poisoned themselves by overdose, mixing up bleach and ready-applicable thinned CIO2(aq) solution, perhaps lured by BPM trolls, but of course 1 is 1 too many, so store reagents (bleach, acid: use 6% vinegar acid from vinegar essence 20%) in locked poison cupboad) - while 50k get killed every year by Ibuprofene et al NSAR and millions by shots and cancer cures producing cancer all approved by the system.

It is the same reason why our custom catches away lvermectin shipments from India / Cn: you shall not treat yourself by democratic interventions. Is if it js not effective, then you may have it. The System did not grasp the power of multi-target multi-drug therapy :). We use what we have. Tree leafs (walnut, willow, pine) are ok as well…

Please type CIO2 or search for CDS.

Hungary got the job of testing out the prohibition of it.

Search for the phyicist and inventor Zoltan Noszticzius, nice paper on use in pandemic, he wanted to sell very pure and by his patented diffusion reactor produced CIO2 and was shut down multiple times by corrupted, yet EU (or WEFian cabal) serving gvt on false or made-up spurious claims.

* Microscope:

So could anyone add a safe dose of CIO2 (aq) as viable in blood like a few ppm to a probe under the microscope and watch if and how fast it can dissolve self-assembled structures?

* De-Tox:

What co-interventions can capture particles and help guiding them “out”?

(I do simple detox by zeolite powder or healing earth, I add some “pudding maker” (binder?) like psyllium seeds powder. But there may be detox ways much stronger, like protein detox or gelate therapy, I just had not the time to dive into them.

I did a cure lasting quite long now to try to soothe the immune system, as mine got derailed by wall mould quite early in life, but as it is the most tolerated of the inorganic antiseptics (its redox potential is below that of our cell walls) the immune soothing property is perhaps not so strong as for Levy’s inhalative “at-home treatment that can cure any virus” with H202 eg..

(We did inhalative cure on respiratory infections with electrolytically produced NaHCIO btw, 800ppm from pharmacy, or thinned 3% down with dead sea or stone salt water to 0.08% (we can buy it as mouth rinse 800ppm plasm* liq* or similar, only salt and NaHCIO in), 0.7ml for 70kg person per session “run only breathing in” or double if you let inhaler run). See eg https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355618131_Inhalation_of_a_fog_of_hypochlorous_acid_HOCl_Biochemical_antimicrobial_and_pathological_assessment

We tried inhalation, based on 70kg standard person, of (one at a time please):

- 0.7ml 10% PVP-I (buffer to neutral)

- 1-3ml 0.1-1.5% H202 (buffer!)

- 0.7-2ml 800ppm NaHCIO

5ppm CIO2

Buffer: pH of PVP-I is 3, and H202 is “stabilised”, which is needed till use, by phosphorous acid 0.05% normally, pH 2.3

We use 0.5% Baking soda solution and trickle it in the supply of a few days “till just not tasting sour any more”. This is not precise, but OK for lungs for sure.

CIO2 inhaling WITHOUT inhaler/nebuliser:

(CIO2 is self-distributing. It is self-indicating, measure concentration by DIY extinctometer (LED, phottransistor, wlan microcontroller) or estimate by yellowish color saturation eg in syringe on a white sheet of paper.

It is self-securing: you smell it >0.1ppm(vol), and you cough >5ppm, and you irritate your alveola >15ppm, which does damage if exposed longer. So far so good the boundaries.

So by placing a dish with some CIO2 and doing “steam bath” covering your head under a towel or sheet, you can inhale without a machine, but have to dose “according your sensations”, so start slowly! As we have some nebulisers, I never tried it myself. Now for writing this, I did. I placed 4ml 0.3% CDS on a flat dish, so having a thin pond of 13cm. I felt it tingling in thebeyes and biting a bit in the nose, but could breath freely (and I’m a good tester, sensitive lungs), so far so good. I fet it to be more intense for nose than nebukising 5ppm(aq), and I feel it is a more intensive cure systemically as a part gets resorbed in bloodstream immediately (orally, it diffuses in a few minutes). I can not assess the dosing reaching the lungs, and have no real time sensor for blood level yet; also unkown as most of it went in air around me I did not breath in, and you need some air exchange for fresh oxygen of course. Would need a testing chamber. But perhaps 20% could be resorbed. So 4ml * 0.3% * 20% would be 2.4mg. NOAL systemically is 3mg/kg/day => 70kg: 210mg, but distributed, normally say in 6-10 dosings that orally are not resorbed immediately. Interestingly, I collected the fluid from the plate and found it does not contain much CIO2 any more, very pale, perhaps 1/10ths.

From this observations, one can do quite some intensive respiratory based cure by pouring the next few ml on the plate after some minutes of inhalation.

If you start early, where infections are still localised in upper respiratory tract, intensity is also very fitting to viral load, (whereas later on in illness, if alveoli are infected, NaHCIO inhaling say every 1-2 hr. 0.7ml 800ppm is much more intense and effective).

As CIO2 gets “caught away” on the way to alveolae by absorption in water of mucosa of tracheae, the concentration sinks while passage down.

Also we will be having short spikes in blood level, that will degrade in not time of course. Could be beneficial for unclotting blood, which is one effect of all inorganic antiseptics, and yes, also spike or whatever knitted clots not accessible to our blood clots dissolving enzymes. )

Just one rule: if breathing gets even only a tiny bit impaired, compared to state before (in infections, often it is already rattling by the infection symptoms), stop, let lungs calm down, repeat with thinned solution ie lower concentration (we have some glasses with solvend stone or dead sea salt ready in fridge, 0.5-1.8% depending on need to astringent property, the more salt, the more water gets drawn out of cells, which is nice if too much fluid in nose or lungs and free from side-effects (contrarily to hormone based decongesting nasal sprays that let capillaries shrink: cutting off supply for natural immune system for mucosal cells, thus logically enhancing viral load etc., and making you addict in 1-2 weeks, xylometaz. blabla etc., whatever the cruel ads tell you otherwise).

* Ox vs AntiOx ???

I am also experimenting with the timing of oxidative interventions relative to taking antioxidatives (the maintenance dose CIO2(aq) is 20-30ml 0.3% on 1L water per day taken between meals in 0.1L chunks just ca., and antioxidatives like grape seed press cake or OPC with Vit. C I take to meals. To make it more effective, I ponder over timing a more aggressively dosed phase of some days of CIO2, to be interrupted by some liposomal solved Vit. C every say 4 days. Then to also make a Vit. C cure of liposomal 5-10g/d, 7-10days, with no CIO2. Just as an example.

In alternative medicine, oxidative interventions were very popular and also successful, but with upcoming hype on antioxidants were unrightfully shoven in the background.

Perhaps this timing between the two groups is individual, but certainly the interplay of both is key.

As in our body, both are used anyways by mother nature. Question how to help.

(When a cell gets attacked by pathogens, it secretes radicals, I think both Cl and O, eg..)

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“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”

Vladimir Illich Ulyanov (a.k.a Lenin)

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