Very kind of you. I am a Gaïan warrior at the pleasure of the Mother.

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Let's hope that there are enough sensible people that are in power that will outlaw this injection of poisons into the food supply.

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What do you suppose would change their intention? I don't think us hoping will. We have to have strategy but look at us, we're isolated units all grinding our teeth but doing nothing that's different. Still going along with the same money system, still obeying the laws made by the criminal syndicate, still paying for our enslavement.

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I notified my congressman of this, asking for legislation against it. And it would help if we let the executives/companies that process meat know about it. They know it will kill their industry if this happens. And they have big lobbyists. Maybe we contact Investor relations at the respective big meat processing plants and let them know that this is being planned. They all have stock, although I bet there are big holders on the board that are tied to all of this. (Black Rock, StateStreet, Vanguard, etc)

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we have to start supporting our own food webs and local farmers now more than ever, so that we can implode rather than explode the system, no? not sure how much luck we'd have in the courts as they're mostly bought and paid for.

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So, this appears to be a concerted effort to introduce "vaccinations" containing mRNA components (including graphene) into animals used for meat consumption, resulting in deadly and long-lasting side effects that can carry on through through consumption to the end producer.

Sounds like an effort to kill off the consumption of meat, and kill entire industries through vaccine mandates, and to sicken the animals (just like humans) with degraded immune systems that provide the impetus to come in and repeatedly decimate entire herds, flocks or schools or the respective beef, chicken or fish for "safety" reasons.

Hopefully that's an accurate summary... because we need to get this out on social media as much as possible. The various meat consumption industries have heavy hitting lobbies too, and they need to be fighting this onslaught.

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They must be part of it because how do you suppose the animals are being injected? They are probably getting paid very handsomely to do it.

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Wrong. Many livestock and horse owners (pets too) just inject what their vets bring out without investigating what’s in them. They do it as often as their vets suggest to do as well.

I’ve only just begun to investigate them myself, after all the mantra ‘good animal owners inject’ has been drummed into me for years.

Dogs: of around 10 approved by UK Defra, only a few contain adjuvants like aluminum and thermasol, (while nearly every Human one does) many are DNA recombinants, but none are approved for annual use. They’re licensed for every 3 years. So when they cancelled vet jabs during lockdown Govn’t knew it didn’t matter. Btw they gave free restarts. How kind. Not needed.

As for horses, I know they do every two years for tetanus and flu.

Now foods - it’s almost impossible to get non GMO and whatever GM-2 means. Usually it’s a special order. Esp fowl pellets.

So I don’t think livestock owners are getting paid but are mostly unwittingly being entered into a big experiment.

Go for grass fed beef and lamb organic. And if you can, buy your stock NOW to provide for your families.

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Two ways.. 1) as you point out, farmers or processors are getting paid a lot to do it. or 2) As we're seeing in the "human world", they're combining vaccines (flu, RSV and covid) and offering it as a convenience. I imagine there will be a "required" shot, and that also has an added shot.

But in reality, you only need to shoot up some here and there before everyone is scared of getting it, and choose not to purchase meat.

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We have to speak out against vaccines loudly and often. They have to stop injecting everything including our children with them. Our voices are our greatest power.

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Large-scale meat production will be a major target for being brought out by investors like Black Rock.

Probably been happening for years anyway. They were crashes into the ground willingly, making money whilst doing so. Local, small scale production necessary.

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I skimmed your post, I was struck by the apparent death spiral, also like someone is coming at the poor victim from behind, it has been said


Been vegan for decades, but how can I avoid breathing?

They skypainting chemtrails to cool and moisten planet, but the dehumidifier reads low moisture level anymore, despite what is the new rain, oftentimes...

I am guessing on last point, but I am worried about it all, and digital money, and lack of GodSpirit....

God help us

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Hello Grasshoper. I have been vegetarian for 38 years. No more. If you want to struggle against the mega-oxidation which is killing the Peoples, since the introduction of chemical farming in 1842, you need to build up gluthatione in your organism which is only possible if you eat a lot of food (meat, eggs, milk, fish, etc) with cysteine, glutamic acid and glycin.

The glutathione in the body is made up of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Therefore, to increase the level of glutathione in the body, it is recommended to consume foods that contain an abundance of these three amino acids, which are the precursors.

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Respectful disagree.

First of all I am vegan, full on , although I eat honey.

Second I eat avocadoes every day. You can too.

Third, the body has a magnificent way of getting what it needs by creating it from the ingredients you eat.

This last point most miss.

Finally, I will be terribly ill from any nonvegan food.

But what works for you, more power to you.

I am vegan as a spiritual and personal thing, since long before scamdemic Harmacide.


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I am happy for you. I know very much about all that. I even translated, into French, back in 1988 or so, a book from Gabriel Cousens "Spiritual Nutrition". In Auroville, India, I even knew a breatharian but, one day, she burnt away on the beach.

In the case of glutathione, the human body just can not: it needs to build it from outside and outside is limited, in this case.

But, you know, yogi even take LSD as if it were candies. What is Life?

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what do you think about glutathione injections? my integrative medicine MD supports those. He is also a fan of a diet rich in meat poultry and fish.

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Selenium and garlic help with glutothione absorption, you can do IV, but I've never tried. I know Ben Greenfield has done this- you can look him up online he's a trainer/coach.

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No god won't help us because "he" helped nobody else. Kudos to you for not eating meat.

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God is as much female as male. And or neither nor

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There is no god but I get you. True, the frequency elements are both male and female but that doesn't mean that they're the same. Male rule is the reason we live in a toxic society. Nobody should rule, least of all males as they can only be connected to the harmonic frequency through the meeting of the mind of the feminine. Men don't know this and in fact men are very unaware of a whole other side of thinking because they have suppressed the feminine in themselves because of suppressing women (keeping them out of an education, rape, killing, destruction of our habitat etc) We're not the same but we are both needed and now more than ever men need to listen to women because that is the only way they can be balanced. Together we can build a whole new society of egalitarianism (I hate to use the word "equality" as it's been usurped so badly)

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I knew that men, like me self, are born of Womanity, and most forget

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Now more than ever we must build our own food supply, move out of cities and start raising farm animals in our yards like chickens.

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Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You: Curing Anxiety by Injecting Your Brain With Graphene Oxide

Safe and effective 'miracle cure' was successfully tested on mice


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Tikkun Olam. Indeed, these moronic, demented death cult adepts must be demonically possessed, in the case of the leadership cadre, and with a large and willing cadre of brain dead implementers who are demonically oppressed. It’s unspeakably evil, the pit of hell gazes balefully back at us as we strive to understand and resist. I already breed chickens and bees, evidently I must broaden my scope to other livestock.

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We must remember they get the minions to administer their dastardly plans. Minions will do anything for another thing the ghouls invented - debt-based money.

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Population reduction of humans and animals using the bioweapon shots is insane.

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Excellent. We all need to be aware of how these things translate into our reality. So many things to reveal and every bit helps raise awareness. If we don't stop it will all accumulate to mean extinction. Never have we been under such assaults from fascist genocide. Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia were nothing compared to this.

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Question: Does lettuce and spinach sold at grocery stores contain Graphene or mRNA?

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Excellent article; really well researched and written.

Appreciate your outrage too.


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XOCHI, Just watchedrecorded corded zoom call this morning and thought you would have an imterest in listening. It outlines the framework that these psychopaths have been building and are utilizing to inflict harms and death. It does not actually begin until around the 45:00 mark as they work out technical issues on the call so I encourage you to fast forward to that place. Peace & Warmth! Michelle


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Thanks Michelle. It seems there is a sound problem.

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Yes, fast forward to the 45:00 minute marker. Then the zoom conference will begin.

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Brought to you by Bill Gates, bioterrorist.

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I've been following the Aussie push for mRNA vaccines for livestock. Millions invested by New South Wales with the US company Tiba Biotech, as you point out, with a goal of a product ready for animals by August of this year, 2023. This for diseases which do not currently exist in animals in Australia, granted nearby in Indonesia, but as of today haven't made it to the country. All I can say is, mRNA with your Aussie Beef?

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