58 studies on the extreme genotoxicity of Graphene nanoparticles for the reproductive system of insects, fish and mammals
Today, there are hundreds of studies on the toxicity of graphene-based nano-materials on the reproductive system of insects, fish, mammals... Here are some 54 studies which all corroborate the extreme genotoxicity of graphene-based nano-materials.
“Potential adverse effets of nanoparticles on the reproductive system”.
This study, from 2018, shows that, without a doubt, nanoparticles possess a very deleterious impact on the functioning of the reproductive system - both in human and non-human animals.
With the vigorous development of nanometer-sized materials, nanoproducts are becoming widely used in all aspects of life. In medicine, nanoparticles (NPs) can be used as nanoscopic drug carriers and for nanoimaging technologies. Thus, substantial attention has been paid to the potential risks of NPs. Previous studies have shown that numerous types of NPs are able to pass certain biological barriers and exert toxic effects on crucial organs, such as the brain, liver, and kidney. Only recently, attention has been directed toward the reproductive toxicity of nanomaterials. NPs can pass through the blood–testis barrier, placental barrier, and epithelial barrier, which protect reproductive tissues, and then accumulate in reproductive organs.
NP accumulation damages organs (testis, epididymis, ovary, and uterus) by destroying Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells, causing reproductive organ dysfunction that adversely affects sperm quality, quantity, morphology, and motility or reduces the number of mature oocytes and disrupts primary and secondary follicular development. In addition, NPs can disrupt the levels of secreted hormones, causing changes in sexual behavior. However, the current review primarily examines toxicological phenomena.
The molecular mechanisms involved in NP toxicity to the reproductive system are not fully understood, but possible mechanisms include oxidative stress, apoptosis, inflammation, and genotoxicity. Previous studies have shown that NPs can increase inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis and induce ROS, causing damage at the molecular and genetic levels which results in cytotoxicity. This review provides an understanding of the applications and toxicological effects of NPs on the reproductive system.
“Review of toxicity studies of carbon nanotubes”
In animal studies, exposure to CNTs induced sustained inflammation, fibrosis, lung cancer following long-term inhalation, and gene damage in the lung. CNTs also showed high biopersistence in animal studies. Fetal malformations after intravenous and intraperitoneal injections and intratracheal instillation, fetal loss after intravenous injection, behavioral changes in offsprings after intraperitoneal injection, and a delay in the delivery of the first litter after intratracheal instillation were reported in mice-administered multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) appeared to be embryolethal and teratogenic in mice when given by intravenous injection; moreover, the tubes induced death and growth retardation in chicken embryos.
“Graphene and Reproduction: A Love-Hate Relationship”.
This study, of February 2021, takes up and analyzes the various studies that have been carried out, in vitro and in vivo, for the last fifteen years, on the impact of various forms of graphene on the reproductive system of various animal species (from Archaeans to mammals). To date, the various species that have been the subjects of this research, on the reproductive toxicity of graphene-based nano-materials, are Caenorhabditis elegans nematode; Purple sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus; House cricket, Acheta domesticus; Enchytraeus crypticus; Autumn armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda; mice; rats; zebrafish, Danio rerio; swine; cattle.
This study concludes, strangely enough, in a way that is meant to be conciliatory. According to the authors, we should hate graphene because of its reproductive toxicity, but we should love it because, potentially, the problem of sterility, which affects 20% of couples on the planet, could be solved by using graphene to chimerize spermatozoa.
“Potential reproductive toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and their chronic exposure effects on the growth and development of Xenopus tropicalis”.
This study, from 2020, focuses on the deleterious impact of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the reproductive system of the toad species Xenopus tropicalis. According to the findings of this study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes reduce ovarian and testicular development, negatively impact spermatogonial and oocyte formation, fertilization rate and embryo survival rate.
“Reduced fecundity and cellular changes in Acheta domesticus after multigenerational exposure to graphene oxide nanoparticles in food”.
This 2018 study highlighted that crickets (Acheta domesticus) exposed to graphene oxide in their food - throughout their life cycle - experienced a consistent loss of reproductive capacity and a decline in cellular vitality. The researchers concluded that it was very likely that graphene oxide could induce multi-generational degeneration problems.
“Toxicité et éco-toxicité des nano-tubes de carbone”.
In this 2012 study, the results showed that multi-walled carbon nanotubes possess a negative impact on the growth and reproduction of the two Daphnia species studied - Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia magna.
“An epigenetic signal encoded protection mechanism is activated by graphene oxide to inhibit its induced reproductive toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans”.
This 2016 study shows that graphene oxide reduces the reproductive capacity of the tiny nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, by affecting the development of its gonad (composed of the testis and seminal vesicle).
This study, from 2016, demonstrates that carbon nanotubes, following intra-tracheal instillations, induce decreased fertility rates and immunotoxicity in terms of offspring development.
The same is true for the sexuality of plants: the reproductive capacity of strawberries is negatively impacted by carbon nanotubes. [29]
“An assessment of the reproductive toxicity of GONPs exposure to Bombyx mori”.
This study, from 2016, demonstrates that graphene oxide nanoparticles are completely toxic to the reproductive capabilities of the mulberry Bombyx. [35]
The same is true for the sexuality of plants: graphene oxide negatively affects pollen germination. [56]
This 2021 study shows that the combination of graphene oxide with hexavalent chromium further increases reproductive problems in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
This 2015 study shows that reduced graphene oxide is extremely toxic to the reproduction of mice: death of fertilized mice, abortions, deformed embryos, etc.
“In vivo toxicity evaluation of pristine graphene in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos”
This 2018 study shows that graphene is extremely toxic to the reproductive system of zebrafish (Danio rerio): embryo mortality, delays in egg hatching, yolk sac edema, etc.
This study, from 2014, shows that carbon nanotubes, with multiple walls, are totally toxic For the development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos.
“A systems toxicology approach reveals the Wnt-MAPK crosstalk pathway mediated reproductive failure in Caenorhabditis elegans exposed to graphene oxide (GO) but not to reduced graphene oxide (rGO)”
This study, from 2017, shows that graphene oxide is toxic to the reproductive system of the tiny nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, unlike reduced graphene oxide.
“Effects of graphene oxide on the development of offspring mice in lactation period”.
This study, from 2015, shows that graphene oxide has many deleterious impacts on the development of mouse pups during the lactation period.
“Effects of Nano-Graphene Oxide on Testis, Epididymis and Fertility of Wistar Rats”.
This study, from 2017, shows that high doses of graphene oxide induce considerable histological damage in testicular tissues including seminiferous tubule atrophy, reduction of germinal epithelium, germ cell loss, etc.
“Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Evidence of Adverse Effects on the Male Reproductive System”.
This study, from August 2021, highlights the reproductive toxicity of metal nanoparticles in mammals.
“Dose-dependent effects of nanoscale graphene oxide on reproduction capability of mammals”
This 2015 study highlights the extreme reproductive toxicity of graphene oxide in mice.
This 2015 study highlights the extreme reproductive toxicity of reduced graphene oxide in female mice.
“Graphene oxide induces cardiovascular defects in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo model: In-vivo toxicity assessment”.
This 2019 study focuses on the deleterious impact of graphene oxide inducing cardiovascular damage in embryos of zebrafish, Danio rerio.
“Graphene oxide nano-bio interaction induces inhibition of spermatogenesis and disturbance of fatty acid metabolism in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”
This 2018 study focuses on the inhibition of spermatogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
This 2015 study highlights that humic acid can partially remedy the destructive impacts of graphene oxide on spermatogenesis of zebrafish, Danio rerio.
“Toxic effects of different-sized graphene oxide particles on zebrafish embryonic development”.
This study, from 2020, focuses on the toxicity of graphene oxide to the development of zebrafish embryos, Danio rerio.
“Graphene oxide nanosheets induced genotoxicity and pulmonary injury in mice”
This study, from 2017, highlights the extreme reproductive toxicity of graphene oxide in mice.
This study, from 2021, highlights the extreme reproductive toxicity of graphene oxide in mice: fetal death, embryo development problems, etc.
“Multigenerational graphene oxide intoxication results in reproduction disorders at the molecular level of vitellogenin protein expression in Acheta domesticus”.
This study, from 2021, highlights the extreme reproductive toxicity of graphene oxide in the cricket, Acheta domesticus.
“Sperm exposure to carbon-based nanomaterials causes abnormalities in early development of purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)”.
This 2015 study focuses on the negative impact of graphene-based nano-materials on the reproduction of the purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus).
“Exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes causes suppression in octopamine signal associated with transgenerational toxicity induction in Caenorhabditis elegans”. L’exposition aux nanotubes de carbone multiparois entraîne une suppression du signal de l’octopamine associée à l’induction de la toxicité transgénérationnelle chez Caenorhabditis elegans. 2023
“Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce transgenerational toxicity associated with activation of germline long non-coding RNA linc-7 in Caenorhabditis elegans”. Les nanotubes de carbone multiparois induisent une toxicité transgénérationnelle associée à l’activation du long ARN non codant germinal linc-7 chez Caenorhabditis elegans. 2022.
“Reproductive toxicity of dibutyl phthalate adsorbed on carbon nanotubes in male Balb/C mice”. Toxicité pour la reproduction du phtalate de dibutyle adsorbé sur des nanotubes de carbone chez les souris Balb/C mâles. 2022.
“Exposure of carbon nanotubes affects testis and brain of common carp”. L’exposition aux nanotubes de carbone affecte les testicules et le cerveau des carpes communes. 2022.
“Reproductive and Developmental Nanotoxicity of Carbon Nanoparticles”. Nanotoxicité reproductive et développementale des nanoparticules de carbone. 2022.
“Toxicological assessment of functional polymer with single-walled carbon nanotubes in zebrafish embryos and its gill cell line”. Évaluation toxicologique d’un polymère fonctionnel contenant des nanotubes de carbone à paroi unique chez l’embryon de poisson zèbre et sa lignée cellulaire branchiale. 2022.
“Mechanisms and biological impacts of graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes on Drosophila melanogaster: Oxidative stress, genotoxic damage, phenotypic variations, locomotor behavior, parasitoid resistance, and cellular immune response”. Mécanismes et impacts biologiques du graphène et des nanotubes de carbone multi-parois sur Drosophila melanogaster : Stress oxydatif, dommages génotoxiques, variations phénotypiques, comportement locomoteur, résistance aux parasitoïdes et réponse immunitaire cellulaire. 2022.
“Kolaviron suppresses dysfunctional reproductive axis associated with multi-walled carbon nanotubes exposure in male rats”. Le Kolaviron supprime les dysfonctionnements de l’axe reproducteur associés à l’exposition aux nanotubes de carbone multiparois chez les rats mâles. 2021.
“Developmental toxicity of carbon nanoparticles during embryogenesis in chicken”. Toxicité développementale des nanoparticules de carbone pendant l’embryogenèse chez le poulet. 2020.
“Genotoxicity evaluation of graphene derivatives by a battery of in vitro assays”. Évaluation de la génotoxicité des dérivés du graphène par une batterie de tests in vitro. 2023.
“Cyto and genotoxicities of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide sheets on spermatozoa”. Cytotoxicité et génotoxicité des feuilles d’oxyde de graphène et d’oxyde de graphène réduit sur les spermatozoïdes. 2014.
“Genotoxicity of graphene nanoribbons in human mesenchymal stem cells”. Génotoxicité des nanorubans de graphène dans les cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines. 2012.
“Differential genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects of graphene family nanomaterials (GFNs) in human bronchial epithelial cells”. Effets génotoxiques et épigénotoxiques différentiels des nanomatériaux de la famille du graphène (GFN) dans les cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines. 2016.
“A closer look at the genotoxicity of graphene based materials”. Un examen approfondi de la génotoxicité des matériaux à base de graphène. 2019.
“Size-dependent genotoxicity of graphene nanoplatelets in human stem cells”. Génotoxicité des nanoplaquettes de graphène en fonction de leur taille dans les cellules souches humaines. 2012.
“Hydroxylated-Graphene Quantum Dots Induce DNA Damage and Disrupt Microtubule Structure in Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells”. Les points quantiques de graphène hydroxylés provoquent des lésions de l’ADN et perturbent la structure des microtubules dans les cellules épithéliales œsophagiennes humaines. 2018.
“DNA Melting and Genotoxicity Induced by Silver Nanoparticles and Graphene”. Fusion de l’ADN et génotoxicité induite par les nanoparticules d’argent et le graphène. 2015.
“Genotoxic response and damage recovery of macrophages to graphene quantum dots”. Réponse génotoxique et récupération des dommages des macrophages aux points quantiques de graphène. 2019.
“Graphene oxide nanosheets induce DNA damage and activate the base excision repair (BER) signaling pathway both in vitro and in vivo”. Les nanoplaquettes d’oxyde de graphène provoquent des lésions de l’ADN et activent la voie de signalisation de la réparation par excision de base (BER) in vitro et in vivo. 2017.
“Can graphene quantum dots cause DNA damage in cells?”. Les points quantiques de graphène peuvent-ils endommager l’ADN des cellules ? 2015.
Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system”. Effets indésirables potentiels des nanoparticules sur le système reproducteur. 2018.
“Short-term in vivo exposure to graphene oxide can cause damage to the gut and testis”. L’exposition in vivo à court terme à l’oxyde de graphène peut causer des dommages à l’intestin et aux testicules. 2017.
“Dose-dependent effects of nanoscale graphene oxide on reproduction capability of mammals”. Effets dose-dépendants de l’oxyde de graphène nanométrique sur la capacité de reproduction des mammifères. 2015.
“Toxicology Study of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Reduced Graphene Oxide in Human Sperm”. Étude toxicologique des nanotubes de carbone monoparois et de l’oxyde de graphène réduit dans le sperme humain. 2016.
“Hexavalent chromium amplifies the developmental toxicity of graphene oxide during zebrafish embryogenesis”. Le chrome hexavalent amplifie la toxicité de l'oxyde de graphène pour le développement pendant l'embryogenèse du poisson zèbre. 2020.
“Synthesis, Characterization, and Toxicity Assessment of Pluronic F127-Functionalized Graphene Oxide on the Embryonic Development of Zebrafish ( Danio rerio)”. Synthèse, caractérisation et évaluation de la toxicité de l'oxyde de graphène fonctionnalisé au Pluronic F127 sur le développement embryonnaire du poisson zèbre (Danio rerio). 2020.
“Carboxyl graphene oxide nanoparticles induce neurodevelopmental defects and locomotor disorders in zebrafish larvae”. Les nanoparticules d'oxyde de graphène carboxylique induisent des défauts de développement neurologique et des troubles locomoteurs chez les larves de poisson zèbre. 2020.
“Graphene Quantum Dots Disrupt Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation by Interfering with the Methylation Level of Sox 2”. Les points quantiques de graphène perturbent la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires en interférant avec le niveau de méthylation de Sox 2. 2021.
“Induced toxicity in early-life stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its behavioral analysis after exposure to non-doped, nitrogen-doped and nitrogen, sulfur-co doped carbon quantum dots”. Toxicité induite chez le poisson zèbre (Danio rerio) au début de sa vie et analyse de son comportement après exposition à des points quantiques de carbone non dopés, dopés à l’azote et dopés à l’azote et au soufre. 2020.
“Genotoxic response and damage recovery of macrophages to graphene quantum dots”. Réponse génotoxique et récupération des dommages des macrophages aux points quantiques de graphène. 2019.
“Transcriptomic response and perturbation of toxicity pathways in zebrafish larvae after exposure to graphene quantum dots (GQDs)”. Réponse transcriptomique et perturbation des voies de toxicité chez les larves de poisson zèbre après exposition aux points quantiques de graphène (GQD). 2018.
On the contrary, there are some studies trying to prove that the different graphene-based nano-materials do not induce any problem regarding the harmonious functioning of the reproductive system. They are, for example:
“Reproductive toxicity of nanoscale graphene oxide in male mice”. [26] “Toxicity studies of six types of carbon nanoparticles in a chicken-embryo model”. [42] “Systematic evaluation of graphene quantum dot toxicity to male mouse sexual behaviors, reproductive and offspring health”. “Graphene Oxide Improves in vitro Fertilization in Mice With No Impact on Embryo Development and Preserves the Membrane Microdomains Architecture”. [48]
Either these studies are carried out by incompetent scientists or they are carried out by corrupt scientists... especially when these studies come from China because we must not forget that the Chinese industry is almost the only exporter of graphene-based materials and nano-materials.
According to the last mentioned study, from June 2020, not only does graphene oxide have no negative impact on reproduction but, what's more, it would have the capacity to improve in vitro fertilization processes even better than methyl-β-cyclodextrin. The majority of the authors are Italian academics and it would be very interesting to find out the sources of their research funding.
The biologist Dr. José Luis Sevillano, from the Quinta Columna [45], clarifies that while it is true that nanoparticles accumulate in the testicles, ovaries, Sartoli cells, uterus, etc., it is in the brain that graphene oxide disrupts, integrally, the hormonal system - especially along the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.
As a reminder, on August 19, 2021, the director of the CDC, USA, Rochelle Walensky, publicly urged all pregnant women to get vaccinated, stating that the data regarding mRNA vaccines has highlighted the efficacy and safety of this new technology for all pregnant women. In fact, the CDC document, dated August 11, 2021, mentions only one bottle study published on April 21, 2021, offering an analysis of data for the period December 14, 2020, through February 28, 2021. [110]
Some bona fide medical authorities have pointed out that the study purposely disguised its findings to hide the fact that 82% of pregnant women vaccinated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy suffered a miscarriage. [111]
Thank you for your work here.
Have you heard of metallo-estrogens? Now image nanoscale metallo-estrogens... I call them nano metallo-estrogens.
- Xenoestrogens that are metals, ON THE NANOSCALE. I.e.,
- ability to penetrate immune barriers including the blood-testis barrier
- enter cells and accumulate indefinitely for up to decades
- extremely difficult to 'detox' with traditional cellular detoxification pathways
So in addition to the toxicity of regular nano, nano xeno-estrogens, whether metallo-estrogens or nanoplastics... they also have a direct hormonal warfare element IN ADDITION to the regular nano toxicity such as primary and secondary genetic damage, oxidative stress and cellular destruction.
Bit of a rant but thought you might be interested if you're not already aware of this :)