The World Ahead 2023
From a structural point of view, as much as from a substantive point of view, the cover “The World Ahead 2023”, of the Economist, rebounds, in various ways, on the cover, “The World Ahead 2022”, of which I proposed my very long, detailed and intuitive commentary, on January 15, 2021 - entitled “About 666, Carbon, Graphene and the Beast”.
Let us recall that David Tellier, from Editions Fractales, in his own commentary, highlighted the date of January 15, 2023 which is coded there. It is for very soon. What will it be? A new Special Psychological Operation in the form of a hostile war-episode? A false-flag PsyOps?... All flags are false and the cover of PsyOps... but that's another issue.
First, in the choice of colors: red, black, white and gray. These are the same colors for 2022 and 2023 - with red as the prominent color, for 2022, and red and black as the prominent colors, for 2023.
Indeed, the Economist's cover “The World Ahead 2023” has a black and blood red background. 2023 is, also, written in blood red. The color red is also the color of Bolshevism - which has a lot of human blood on its sickle.
“Bolshevism” is also highlighted by the presence of some political figures: Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, Tsai Ing-wen and, of course, Volodymyr Zelensky, one of the major protagonists of the Special Psychological Operation called “War in Ukraine”.
In this pathetic display, obviously, Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden, the Senile, compete for the title of most pathological and dramatic clown - dramatic in the sense of involving the whole world. Pandemia = All the People.
Second, in the choice of very geometric figures. The 2023 cover is squared with grids of different amplitudes - while the 2022 cover was presented in a circle divided into eight parts.
According to other interpretations of this cover, this grid could evoke the Asian game of Go. I spent years of my youth, in volutes of hashish, playing Go: this cover does not remind me, at all, of this fabulous game. Why not? Because Go is a game of territory-sharing practiced with respect, elegance and mutualism. It is the opposite of what the Globalists are looking for, for whom the notion of sharing is strictly relative to their criminal caste. Also, because the colors of the dots, white and red, have never evoked Go whose colors are the same as those of the Ying-Yang: black and white.
Also, to ricochet off my prophetic March 2018 satire "Dansez la Vaccinade vers la Grande Hommelette Finale!" - link - one might as well imagine that these squares represent grids: containment grids that have flourished in China, and elsewhere, and have flourished, especially, in the psyches of much of the world's population.
Moreover, to ricochet off the recent discoveries of nano-particles, and nano-technologies, in the Covid/19 injections of the Pharma Mafia, it is easy to imagine that this grid could represent a chip, a computer chip. The attached photograph (Spectrum 15), in electron microscopy, by Dr. Daniel Nagase, represents a graphene chip in a Covid/19 injection from Pfizer.
Then in the choice of very technological themes - some of which are recurrent such as telescopes, satellites and wind turbines.
2023 is, thus, obviously under the aegis of advanced technology: an LNG tanker, a mobile missile launcher, the Psyche satellite, a robot with arms, wind turbines, a drone/taxi.... and the James Webb telescope.
In both covers, 2022 and 2023, Joe Biden, is flanked, by wind turbines - one of the symbols of the failure of the energy transition.
The methane tanker, as well as the methane molecule (CH4) - positioned behind Volodymyr Zelensky's head - point to the terror of the energy shortage... which is, totally, orchestrated, of course, and constitutes another Special Psychological Operation.
Caveat. Technically, could this molecule, composed of one atom and four other atoms, also indicate hydrogen hydrate? Hydrogenated water (H4O) is, in fact, a potential therapeutic to fight against oxidation and free radicals. This interpretation would bounce off the potential presence of bicarbonate (a blood pH harmonizer) in the 2022 cover.
In a first draft of interpretations, I had proposed that this molecule could, also, evoke research, presumed, very criminal, in the laboratories of the USA in Ukraine. Nevertheless, I am convinced, intimately, that this “conspiracy” research track is a waste of time and another Special Psychological Operation nested in a more inclusive one.
Then, in the choice of phantasmagorical fears: the invisible Sars-Cov-2, of 2022, seems to have been replaced, in 2023, by the red blood cells of the camel, pointing to the pseudo Camel Flu: the MERS, MERS-cov or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
Because of their oval shape, the red blood cells of the Camel - or Camelids - are able to expand up to 240% of their initial volume, while the red blood cells of other animals can only expand up to 150%. Camels can drink up to 120 gallons of water in about 12 minutes to recover from dehydration. Their hemoglobin also has a greater affinity for oxygen than that of other domestic mammals.
As a reminder. The hemoglobin molecule is constantly changing from an oxygenated state to a deoxygenated state by taking in and releasing oxygen molecules. This change of state is what prevents red blood cells from clumping together. Today, in hundreds of millions of individuals, injected with the vaccine poisons of the Mafia Pharma, the red blood cells are shriveled and in the shape of rolls due to the deleterious impact of graphene on the blood system.
It is Georgia Meloni who has the honor of being positioned above these Camel blood cells. Why?
The Psy-Ops of the Covid/19 - that I also named “SpikOps”... because of the cult that all the sects of the new Covidian religion dedicate to the Spike protein - could, thus, be replaced by the very recent Psy-Ops of the Camel. It should be noted that this virus has never been isolated - nor has Sars-CoV-2.
Then, in the choice of dots - red, black and white - which in 2022, present precise structures including, potentially, the signature of bicarbonate.
The formula of bicarbonate (HCO3) is illustrated by 3 red dots, 1 black dot and 1 white dot. Why, then, bicarbonate? Undoubtedly, because it is correlated to the pH balance in the human body, and because the pathologies generated by graphene are pathologies of irradiation and oxidation.
Regarding the 2023 coverage, it remains to be determined if the position of the various points, of these three colors, is random or coded.
Should we superimpose the two covers in order to glean some clues?
Then, in the choice of political characters. It should be noted that Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are the only two protagonists presented, in 2022 - and with equal amplitude from a visual point of view. As for the 2023 cover, it is Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin who take the lead, in terms of face amplitude.
Indeed, according to the designers of the 2023 cover, at least according to their masters, the influencers - or targets? - for this new year would be, in order of influence (or target?), the presidents, or prime minister, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky, Tsai Ing-wen and Giorgia Meloni.
The order of influence, or target, is indicated by the size of the characters in the ensemble. There is no need to specify that in 2023 we are dealing with a situation of wars, active or potential, involving, in various capacities, these few characters.
The war in Ukraine is only a pretext for the complete destruction of Europe. It is China that comes out of it very strengthened - according to the wishes of the eugenicist Klaus Schwab who considers Bolshevik, and dictatorial, China as the example to follow for the future of the world populations.
Only Giorgia Meloni is represented with a hand gesture. And why Italy? Is it because Italy is one of the main US military bases in Europe?
Or is Giorgia Meloni supposed to represent a change within Europe? A step on the way to the dissolution of this Soviet/Bolshevik Europe under the control of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum?
Or is Giorgia Meloni only one of the last “Joker” cards in the “Poker” game of the demented Klaus Schwab?
Is it necessary to specify that the truck, launching missiles, launches them in her direction? Is Giorgia Meloni one of the next targets of the Globalists? The Italian diva to be shot?
It should also be noted that at the heart of this cover, the network of hexagons, representing the wings of the James Webb telescope, can also represent various phenomena including, of course, Graphene...
For the record, the hexagons are, in fact, the symbol of Graphene.
Graphene is omnipresent, today, in all sectors of daily life: Covid vaccines, other vaccines, anesthetics, insulins, drugs, cosmetics, condoms, sanitary napkins, shoes, jackets, dental amalgams, body testers, etc. - not to mention cellular meats.
Graphene is a Somatic Special Operation: it mutilates the body and kills.
Graphene is also ubiquitous in all communication technologies, in wind turbines, in drones, etc. - which are presented on the 2023 cover.
“What’s in Store for 2023?”
On the back cover, the question “What's in Store for 2023?” is a double entendre because “store” means stocks and provisions but also, store.
With this question, we are plunged into the heart of another Special Psychological Operation, that of the Food Shortage - the Pandemic Famine in Progress - which has been totally orchestrated for several years... as I have highlighted in a sequence of very long articles.
In this regard, I invite curious readers, in search of authentic education, to consult my section “Los Cantos de Xochi” (link) and more particularly my sequences of essays entitled “Orchestration of the Pandemic Famine” (link) and “Great Solar Minimum, Food and Sanitary Disasters” (link).
This Food Shortage is all the more orchestrated as the Globalist eugenicists claim that we are being carbonized by Anthropogenic Global Warming - a Special Psychological Operation set up since the year 2000 - while we are in the middle of a Great Solar Minimum.
This Great Solar Minimum will result in periods of very intense planetary cooling accompanied by extreme hygrometry and temperature phenomena, and accompanied by volcanic and seismic episodes.
Moreover, the terms “store”, “storing”, have a connotation of memory - to be related to the brain - at least, from a conventional point of view.
Even if the term “store” in English does not have the same etymology as the term “story”, the fact remains that the relationship is singular, because the lesson that we have been able to draw, since the spring of 2020, with regard to the false coronaviral pandemic, is that:
The narrative about the virus constitutes the Virus.
On the back-cover, a hand is pointing a finger at a bill on which it is written "bond". This term “bond”, in English, is a double entendre because it means a title (financial) but also a link, an attachment, chains. Moreover, is it necessary to specify that, in popular imagery, the same finger pointed upwards has a very pronounced meaning?
When I discovered this finger - in the evening of December 31, when I read the 2023 cover published in Asia - I was very surprised because, in the late afternoon, just before sunset, I had photographed a cloudy shape, in Ariège, which had the shape of a very long finger pointed downwards by a hand. I had, then, laughed by evoking a miracle in the sky... in the form of “Spike”. What an incredible synchronicity!
This “bond” refers to the financial securities issued by Japan, on 10 years, with an interest of 0.25% - increased to 0.5% in December 2022. Above the finger, the coat of arms represents two lions standing above a pyramid of gold bars.
There is also a crown adorned with insignia and jewels - usually intended to cover a head. This is the Crown of King Edward the Confessor, which is adorned with 444 precious stones.
King Edward the “Confessor” was the son of King Æthelred the “Misguided”... The French PharMacronie Syndrome has its purulent roots in a very long line of pathological ancestors.
It must be remodeled for the coronation of Charles III on May 6, 2023, and that is why it was removed from the Tower of London in December 2022, where it was on display. It weighs 2,3 kg... to put in relation with the year 2023.
From a historical point of view, it should be noted that the first mention of this crown of King Edward the Confessor, dates from the coronation of Henry III in 1220. This same year saw the publication of Perceval by Wolfram von Eschenbach... who disappeared, forever, from the human society of that time, in order to escape his assassination by the Catholic Church. Perceval is a literary masterpiece and, above all, Europa's alchemical and visionary masterpiece - the Key to the Vision Quest. Refer to “The Alternative History of the Grail”, by John Lamb Lash, in 9 essays.
This crown can also be symbolically correlated with the false coronaviral pandemic that has allowed the multinationals and the Banksters to organize an integral destruction of the planetary economy for their own benefit - thus, to further self-crown themselves.
Then there is a head with only the brain represented with convolutions reminiscent of certain Aboriginal drawings - in relation to the Dreamtime of Mother Earth. According to the official commentary of the Economist newspaper, it would be the legalization of certain psychoactive substances - such as magic mushrooms (Psilocybes, etc.), ketamine and MDMA (ecstasy) - in order to treat mental illness...
Picture above/ Art by Elysa Guillet.
Quebec and Oregon have already legalized the therapeutic use of psychoactive mushrooms - and California is in the process of doing so. In France, the PharMacronie is illegalizing the cultivation of hemp, with x% CBD, among home gardeners... because of the risk of intoxication!!!
Indeed, the mental depression is, today, in perpetual growth by the destruction of all the social, cultural and economic fabric and by the graphenization of the brain. And it is without evoking the multiple Special Psychological Operations whose objective is to generate, always more, of cognitive dissonances in the People. To paraphrase Olivier Véran’s (French Health Minister) incoherent lisp: “All lobotomized, all protected!”
The human brain, which can be graphenized, is the target of the war that the World Economic Forum has launched against all Peoples.
Your brain is the privileged target of Graphene - and of those who want to inject it into you. And who are they? Who are they? WHO? If you cannot perceive it, it is possible that your brain is already being vampirised by Graphene.
It should be noted that the name of the NASA satellite, “Psyche”, strongly resonates with this theme of the brain. The term “Psyche” is also correlated with the expression “Special Psychological Operation”.
According to NASA: The Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metallic asteroid, orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. What makes the Psyche asteroid unique is that it appears to be the exposed nickel-iron core of a primitive planet, one of the building blocks of our solar system.
Final question: given the presence of satellites, a drone cab and a brain, can we suggest that the shadow of Elon Musk, the Lone, is hovering behind it all?
Xochi. January 1st, 2023
Greetings from Herefordshire where I just today discovered your Substack. I like your somewhat verbose, flowery style in English which is very redolent of a passionately angry Frenchman (or woman, I think Dominique is spelt the same for either sex?) at home with our language and with a lot to say - and which of us who understand matters today does not have a lot to say!? I look forward to exploring further.
Already I note a reference to Ariege and was treated to some deja vu via Google as my wife and I owned a lovely Gascon farmhouse in neighbouring Gers until 2022 - we tried weathering the crazy times in 2020 there, but decided the French were over-reacting even more to the Scamdemic than were the English. There are only so many times one can walk the streets of Pau or St Jean de Luz maskless without it getting to you. It was easier to do at home in the UK, so we came home and stayed home. Also I wanted to protect my wife from the PCR test and did not want to risk a ratcheting-up of the bullshit whilst we were away from home. But oh, do I miss the foothills of the majestic Pyrenees!
We have remained maskless, jab-less, PCR-less and even hand-sanitizer-less and plan to remain so. I was rather nervous having a local anaesthetic for dental treatment last summer. The best I could do was to confirm that it was the same product I'd last been injected with in 2017. Curious times.
I believe your conclusion that its the Graphene stupid (and mRNA is a distraction) has merit, it reflects the findings of La Quinta Columna and I gather that the human body is inclined to cover graphene particles in a protein "corona" to protect itself - so there is that. There is a flaw in the hypothesis however in that surely our pathological "elite" stand to suffer a similar fate to us if they are ingesting and breathing in graphene particles in the same environment as we peasants? Would they be so stupid? Do they have some means of protection? I'd be interested to know your thoughts.