All these spectroscopic analysis highlight, unmistakingly, the total absence of RNA, or DNA, in the Covid/19 injections, as per the total absence of nitrogen and phosphorus - in the majority of the samples.
The Covid Spike does not exist. The only Spike which is mutilating and killing the People is the “bio-corona” - or “protein corona”, “molecular corona”, etc - coronating the nano-particles (metallic, plastic, chitosan, etc) when they fuse with human fluids (sperm, blood, milk, etc). I call it a “necro-molecular corona” or a “necro-molecular spike”
There are no protein “Spikes”, coming from the invisible virus, in the CV/19 jabs: only “Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide”… or “Molecular Spikes” of whatever nano-particles are injected in the human organism: aluminium, chromium, titanium, silicium, nickel, and so on… ad nauseam.
211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever. The Sars-Cov-2 was NEVER isolated.
The Covid Pandemics is a huge PsyOps and the biggest scam of modern History - the official story about the huge Butchery of the second World War being a case apart… as one of the primal goal, of these two world butcheries, was to eliminate tens of millions of useless European small farmers. Cui bono?
Professor Pablo Campra Madrid. Almeria. Spain
These Raman Spectroscopic Analysis are coming from the published study “DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID/19 VACCINES BY MICRO-RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY”. November 2nd 2021.
A video with Pablo Campra’s commentaries has been translated into English.
These are excellent articles. Thank you for publishing.
A subscriber of Solution Seeking Substack suggested I take a look at what you have here and possibly cross link and/or collaborate in some ways. My hope is that you will take a look at what we have tried so far and let me know what you think. Thanks again.