All those who are not inclined to confront the truth of the vaccine genocide, on the tune of warp-speed graphene oxide - because their viscera are too permeable - can, still, consider that this long article presents a spectrum of anti-oxidants which, for the most part, have been validated against the so-called “Covid” or “Long Covid” huge list of symptom and pathologies. “Long Covid” is nothing but the code-name of the syndrome of graphene irradiation which manifests itself through a plethora of pathologies - many of them terminal.
In this text, many times, I replaced the expression “Covid19” by “Quantum/19”…. because the narration about the virus constitutes the Virus. In other articles, I proposed, instead of “Covid/19”… “CoYid/19”. Do you see what I do mean?
Today, the mission of any human being, who respects oneself, is to heal, daily, the Nature, meaning one’s organism, which is, perpetually, assailed by the genocidal vectors of the “Trans-humanist” Techno-Culture – which is not, by the way, “Trans-humanist” by virtue of not being “Humanist” in the first place. The question is, now, to know if any person refusing to confront the truth of the vaccinal genocide is, authentically, able to “heal oneself”.
Today, all those who are inclined to wake up may begin, easily, to conceive that the Pharmaceutical Mafia, before contaminating the anti-Covid injections with graphene oxide, has been, steadily, contaminating the “vaccines”, for many years, with a lot of necro-nano-particles – and other adjuvants.
For example: “New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nano-contamination”. Professors Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montanari. International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination. 2016. [4]
Today, the vector of the Enemy is the graphenization through the Necro-Molecular Crown Syndrome – in this case, the Graphene Oxide “Spike”.
Today, the graphenizing vaccination represents, very clearly, the demarcation line between, on the one hand, those who opt for collective suicide and, on the other hand, those who want to survive, and live in Peace, in the Beauty that Comes.
Picture by Xochi: 3 meters high Artemisia tridentata in the Nevada deserts - close to Owyhee. At twilight, it is an orgasmic atmospheric scent!
The original bicolor version of this article is on
* Glutathione
* Cysteine
* Glycine
* Glutamic Acid
* N-AcetylCysteine
* Melatonin
* Vitamin D and the Fortification of the Endocannabinoid System
* Vitamin C
* Nicotine and Tobacco
* Cannabis
* Artemisia species
* Highly anti-oxidant Medicinal Master Plant Species
* Activated Charcoal
* Zeolites
* The Effective Micro-Organisms of Professor Teruo Higa
* Chlorine Dioxide
* Zinc
* Shikimic Acid
* Anti-Graphene Protocols
* Other Anti-Oxidant and Graphene Oxide Reducers
The original bicolor version of this article is on
In the human organism, Glutathione is the protein of youth par excellence – and in the Greek sense of “prôteíon”, first of all. It is a cellular protector, an adaptogen, an anti-oxidant, a detoxifier, a promoter of the immune system, an essential nutrient, an energizing, anti-aging and medicinal substance…
The supplementation, or the stimulation of the endogenous production, of glutathione is recommended for these various conditions or pathologies: lactation, stress, athletic performance, detoxification, fatigue, epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s…), heart diseases, digestion, kidney disorders, stomach and intestinal pathologies, lung diseases, traumas, burns, hepatitis, diabetes, sinusitis, hearing problems, etc.
Direct glutathione supplementation is not very metabolizable and available – because it is destroyed, for the most part, by the digestive juices.
A healthy adult has approximately 10 grams of glutathione in the body. The daily intake from the diet constitutes only 1 to 1.5% of the total circulating glutathione in the body.
Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the body. There are two forms: reduced glutathione (GSH) – which is the biologically active form – and oxidized glutathione (GSSG). In healthy cells and tissues, reduced glutathione represents more than 90% of total glutathione. The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione is one of the most critical markers of oxidative stress.
On the US government website, PubMed, there are over 100,000 articles referring to glutathione. The elevation of glutathione levels in the body has been clinically validated in the relief of the following diseases all cancers, neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s…), asthma, burns, cataracts, so-called auto-immune diseases, pathologies of the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, digestive system, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis, epilepsy, dermatological problems, tumors, glaucoma, fibromyalgia, influenza…
Even if the daily intake of glutathione through the diet is low, it nevertheless participates in the daily detoxification of the intestines – because the cells of the intestine first metabolize it… and, more particularly, the cells of the intestinal lumen. Therefore, its presence, in the intestines, improves, also, the overall absorption of all nutrients.
In newborns, breast milk is the only source of glutathione – because 60% of it is composed of whey that is extremely rich in cysteine. Breast milk loses 80% of its glutathione after two hours of refrigeration or freezing and loses 73% of its glutathione after two hours at room temperature.
The fruits and vegetables that contain the most glutathione are the following in order of importance: avocados and asparagus (with nearly 30 mg/100 g); walnuts and potatoes (with 15 mg/100 g); spinach and okra (with nearly 12 mg/100 g); broccoli, tomatoes, melons, carrots, grapefruits, oranges, squash, strawberries, watermelons, papayas, peppers, peaches (between 5 and 10 mg/100 g); lemons, mangoes, bananas, cabbages, cucumbers, immature peppers, apples, grapes (between 3 and 5 mg/100 g). [1268] As for glutathione in chicken, beef, pork, veal, etc., they have, on average, from 13 to 30 mg/100 g – depending on the meat and the cooking process.
The glutathione levels, presented above, are for fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw. Indeed, cooking destroys a good part of this fantastic antioxidant.
The rest of the glutathione in the body is made up of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Thus, to increase the level of glutathione in the body, it is advisable to consume foods that contain an abundance of these three amino acids – which are the precursors.
It is worth mentioning, moreover, that glutathione is used as an “ecological” method to “reduce” graphene oxide, as explained in the 2011 study entitled “One-step reduction of graphene oxide with l-glutathione”. [268]
This reduction of graphene oxide by glutathione is also explained in the 2021 study entitled “Reaction between Graphene Oxide and Intracellular Glutathione Affects Cell Viability and Proliferation”. [269] In fact, during this process, graphene oxide is transformed into reduced graphene oxide, while glutathione (C10H17N3O6S), under the effect of graphene oxidation, is transformed into glutathione disulfide (C20H32N6O12S2).
Cysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. It is the most essential building block of the three amino acids because it contributes to the sulfhydryl group of glutathione – hence the abbreviation GSH for Glutathione SulfHydryl.
There are various studies on the (ecological) reduction of graphene oxide with cysteine. [270] [271] [1491]
In the daily food intake, it is the limiting factor with regard to a high level of glutathione in the body. This is because it must be in a form that can survive transit from the mouth to the cells – that is, it must be included in a larger molecule.
According to nutritional sources, the recommended daily intake of cysteine/methionine for a 70 kg adult is approximately 1200 to 3000 mg.
Endogenous cysteine. Cysteine can be produced by the body from another sulfur-containing amino acid: methionine. Methionine is one of the 22 proteinogenic amino acids, and one of the 9 essential amino acids (i.e. only available from food).
Methionine is mainly found in: all meats and fish, eggs, dairy products, quinoa, grain amaranth, buckwheat, sesame, Brazil nuts, hemp/cannabis seeds. It is also found in dried beans and other legumes, but generally in too small quantities to make a significant contribution to endogenous cysteine production.
The metamorphosis of methionine into cysteine requires a relatively laborious process involving the presence of certain enzymes and B vitamins. This process is, easily, disrupted when liver diseases and other metabolic system weaknesses are present.
Moreover, methionine cannot be considered as the main source of cysteine for the elaboration of glutathione, because it is also transformed into homocysteine – a non-proteinogenic amino acid whose excess in the organism can induce serious cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, strokes, thrombosis, etc.
Exogenous cysteine. Cysteine is present in all high protein foods: meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, quinoa, oats, grain amaranth… It is also found in lesser quantities in certain vegetables such as: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, sunflower seeds, dates, hemp/cannabis seeds, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, almond butter, Shiitake mushrooms.
A 100 gram serving of pork, beef, chicken, contains 350 mg of cysteine. A 100 gram serving of oats contains 100 mg. A 100 gram serving of egg contains 290 mg. 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains 390 mg. 100 grams of gruyere cheese contains 300 mg. A 100 gram serving of lentils contains 180 mg.
In fact, whey contains the most cysteine because it contains various serum proteins that are very rich in cysteine: β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, serum albumin, lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Raw milk contains 5-10% protein of which casein constitutes 80% and whey 20%.
There are various methods of reducing graphene oxide through lactic acid bacteria such as Lactococcus lactis [1465], Lactobacillus plantarum [1466].
There is a study, from 2020, on the therapeutic action of whey against Quantum/19 – thus, against graphene oxide contamination. [1467]
Glycine is produced, in the organism, from the serine and threonine amino acids. In addition to being one of the three components of Glutathione, it also participates in the harmonious absorption of calcium as well as in the building of a strong immune system. It is an important amino acid for prostate health.
Glycine is found in the following foods: meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, legumes and nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, dried bananas, oranges, cabbage, seaweed, asparagus, spinach…
Glutamic Acid
Glutamic acid, in addition to being one of the three components of glutathione, is a key molecule in cellular metabolism and also the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. It is a non-essential amino acid because it is also produced by the body. It exists in two forms: a bound form, as a component of proteins, and a free form.
Breast milk contains 10 times more glutamic acid than cow’s milk.
Free glutamic acid is present in the following foods: unpasteurized dairy products, seaweed, seafood, fish, meat, fermented soy sauce, mushrooms.
The vegetables that contain the most glutamic acid are: soybeans, peas, squash and sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, onions, lentils, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.
In July 2020, the FDA in the USA initiated a process to prohibit N-Acetylcysteine and threatened seven major dietary supplement companies with legal action. [477] In May 2021, the giant Amazon decided to discontinue all products containing N-Acetylcysteine. [478]Today, in the USA, the FDA has not yet officially banned [480] N-Acetylcysteine.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a synthetic derivative of cysteine, which does not exist in nature. Cysteine is a precursor of glutathione, one of the two most powerful antioxidants in the body.
So why is the FDA trying to ban N-Acetylcysteine (which has many therapeutic qualities) from dietary supplements, when it has been used in the U.S. for 57 years – as a remedy and as a dietary supplement?
For the record, research on N-Acetylcysteine produces 549 studies listed on the US government’s website. [479]
Simply because N-Acetylcysteine is the third (allopathic) treatment for the symptoms of Quantum/19 – following Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. These last two substances were banned by the WHO, and/or their corrupt political hacks, so that the FDA, and the European Safety Agencies, would give emergency approvals for injections, supposedly “experimental”, until 2023.
Why are Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin used? Because they help to eliminate the cytokine storms.
Studies on the treatment of Quantum/19 with N-Acetylcysteine began to emerge in the spring of 2020. An initial study was published, in April 2020, entitled “N-acetylcysteine: A rapid review of the evidence for effectiveness in treating COVID-19.” [484]
Three studies were subsequently published in the summer of 2020: “Efficacy of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in Preventing COVID-19 From Progressing to Severe Disease.” 476]; « Rationale for the use of N-acetylcysteine in both prevention and adjuvant therapy of COVID-19. »[485]; “N-acetylcysteine as a potential treatment for novel coronavirus disease 2019.” [487]
Another study, entitled “N-Acetylcysteine to Combat COVID-19: An Evidence Review”, was published, in November 2020, to highlight the therapeutic qualities of N-Acetylcysteine against Quantum/19. The conclusions of this study are that N-Acetylcysteine has the following functions: it is antiviral (for those who believe in pathogenic viruses); it is immunomodulatory; it reduces the emergence of pneumonia; it reduces mortality by healing the lungs. [482]
Une autre étude fut publiée, en avril 2021, qui est intitulée “The efficacy of N-Acetylcysteine in severe COVID-19 patients : Un résumé structuré d’un protocole d’étude pour un essai contrôlé randomisé”. [483]
Une autre étude fut publiée, en juin 2021, qui est intitulée “A pilot study on intravenous N-Acetylcysteine treatment in patients with mild-to-moderate COVID19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome”. [486]
Here is an excerpt from the introduction of one of the pharmacological studies – advocating the use of N-Acetylcysteine against Quantum/19 – in order to present the identity, and therefore the functions, of N-Acetylcysteine.
«N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was introduced in the 1960s as a mucolytic drug for chronic respiratory diseases. It has a well-established safety profile and is still commonly used orally at doses of 600mg/day as a mucolytic. In hospital settings, it is also used as an antidote for paracetamol overdose (IV formulation at doses of up to 150mg/kg) and in nebulized format in patients with acute bronchopulmonary disease (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis). Acetylcysteine makes bronchial mucous less viscous. In vitro, cysteine derivatives act by breaking disulphide bridges between macromolecules, which leads to a reduction in mucus viscosity.
However, at higher doses (≥1200mg), acetylcysteine also acts as an antioxidant through complex mechanisms which can combat conditions of oxidative stress. Acetylcysteine is a derivative of the natural amino acid cysteine, which serves as a substrate for the synthesis of glutathione (GSH) in the body which an antioxidant effect. This reduces the formation of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-9 and TNF-α and also has vasodilator properties by increasing cyclic GMP levels and by contributing to the regeneration of endothelial-derived relaxing factor. It is this potential antioxidant mechanism that has sparked interest with the current COVID-19 pandemic and whether this might be useful in community settings.» [484]
The recommended dosage is 1200 to 2400 mg per day – on an empty stomach.
Following the wild prescription of Paracetamol – to relieve Covidian symptoms or prevent post-vaccine adverse effects – it is, also, N-Acetylcysteine that helps cure paracetamol toxicity in the body. [512]
It should be noted, moreover, that paracetamol (which is the most prescribed allopathic drug in France) reduces glutathione levels in the liver by 70 to 80%. [Therefore, since graphene oxide already destroys glutathione in the body, it seems suicidal to continue prescribing paracetamol before and after the anti-Coquine/19 injections, in order to mitigate its side effects, as some pharmacists advise – such as Marianne Gazzano, pharmacist-biologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris [488] or such as the psychopath, Alain Fisher, in charge of the vaccination strategy of the PharMacronie. [1116]
See, on this subject, the very enlightening article, entitled “No paracetamol in Covid, major therapeutic error!”, which was published by the editorial staff of the AIMSIB, at the end of August 2021. [1555]
Alert: Most of the N-Acetylcysteine, available on the market, comes from China. It is made from pig bristles, poultry feathers… and human hair – which is collected from hairdressers. It is therefore important to check the origin and physical origin of this food supplement before purchasing it.
Warning: the frequent use of N-Acetylcysteine, without medical supervision, is not very advisable because it can cause the manifestation of: vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain, heartburn, rectal bleeding, dyspepsia, nausea, etc.
Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland of the brain (epiphysis) from nightfall to daybreak. Melatonin is known to synchronize the peripheral oscillators and thus allows a harmonious organization of biological functions through circadian rhythms. Melatonin is a primordial therapeutic substance for its detoxification of free radicals, its anti-oxidant action, psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular problems, pathologies of the reproductive system, neuronal dysfunctions, gastrointestinal disorders, septicemia, etc.
Melatonin is an anti-oxidant that also plays a role in the activation of other anti-oxidants. Melatonin’s ability to increase glutathione levels in the body – particularly in liver, brain, muscle and blood serum – has been scientifically validated.
A search on the US Department of Health’s PubMed site for “Melatonin” and “Covid” yields 128 studies – for the years 2020 and 2021 alone. [1307] According to these studies, some of which are clinical, melatonin is very effective against the symptomatology of Quantum/19: inflammation, oxidation, respiratory problems, cytokine storms, anxiety, sleep disorders, delirium, pulmonary fibrosis, cardiac problems, myocarditis [1308], neurological problems [1309], circadian rhythm disorders [1310], apoptosis, blood vessel permeability, etc.
A study, from October 2020, entitled “Melatonin restores neutrophil functions and prevents apoptosis amid dysfunctional glutathione redox system”, highlighted the ability of melatonin to regenerate glutathione levels in the body. [1311]
As many scientists cannot help but play with fire, there are even some studies on the feasibility of carrying, allegedly more efficiently, melatonin in the body… by fusing it with solid lipid or polymeric nanoparticles. [1312] [1314] There is, for example, a recent study, from 2020, proposing an anti-cancer treatment composed of doxorubicin and melatonin carried by graphene and magnetite ( Fe3O4) nanoparticles. [1313]
For example, a German study, published in June 2020, highlighted the therapeutic capacities of melatonin against pulmonary inflammation. «In various diseases and corresponding animal models, melatonin has been shown to be protective, mainly because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This was documented in pathologies as different as allergic airway inflammation, toxicologically or radiation-induced acute lung injury, respiratory disorders such as COPD, obstructive sleep apnea, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and asphyxia, impaired respiration in sepsis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. The prevailing outcome has been protection or amelioration by melatonin, in conjunction with reduced expression and release of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, and TNFα, which was often explained by interference with toll-like receptors, inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation and suppression of NF-κB signaling». [1315]
According to Stephen Harod Buhner, in his book “Herbal Antivirals”, medicinal plants for reducing TNF-α cytokine storms include: Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Ginger officinalis (Zingiber officinale), Kudzu (Pueraria montana), Virginia Polygale (Polygala tenuifolia), Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), Chinese Pepper (Houttuynia cordata), Perfoliate Eupatorium (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
According to Stephen Harod Buhner, medicinal plants for reducing IL-1β cytokine storms include: Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baikalensis), Perfoliate skullcap (Eupatorium perfoliatum), Kudzu (Pueraria lobata), Chinese Senega (Polygala tenuifolia). Medicinal plants for reducing IL-6 and IL-8 cytokine storms include: Dyer’s woad (Isatis sp.), Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baikalensis) and Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus). Also very beneficial for these types of cytokine storms are Cordyceps mushrooms.
According to Stephen Harod Buhner, medicinal plants that modulate the NF-κB protein (involved in immune response and cytokine storms) include Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Ginger officinale (Zingiber officinale), Kudzu (Pueraria montana), Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baikalensis), Chinese pepper (Houttuynia cordata), Perfoliated eupatorium (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin, which is itself made up of tryptophan, an essential amino acid, found mainly in: fish, dairy products, cereals, meat, legumes, nuts and seeds, chocolate, fruit… [1481]
Vitamin D and the Fortification of the Endocannabinoid System
In 1918/1920, when tens of millions of people were dying from bacterial pneumonia – not from the so-called Spanish flu – doctors realized that the mortality rate was greatly reduced when patients were in the open air (due to the intrinsic purifying capacity of the Living Atmosphere) and in the sun – i.e., receiving Vitamin D.
See the study, published by Richard Hobday, entitled “The Open-Air Treatment of Pandemic Influenza.” [1316] [1317]
Today, about 100 studies, written in 2020 and 2021, on the relief of Covidian symptoms with Vitamin D3, were analyzed in a mega-study entitled “Vitamin D for Covid-19: real-time meta analysis of 101 studies.” [1320] According to PubMed, there are, in fact, hundreds of studies examining the relationship between Vitamin D and Covid/19. [1321]
I can only recommend one study, from 2017, which is titled “Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data.” This study highlights, strictly, that Vitamin D supplementation reduces the incidence of “flu”, and other respiratory pathologies, by 50%. [1318]
What happens, moreover, when a Coup d’Etat puts a whole population under house arrest, at the very beginning of spring, with prohibitions of walks? It follows, quite simply, that at the end of winter (without vitamin D because of the inclination of the Sun and the short days), this population cannot benefit from the largesse of our star, the Sun, dispensing a generosity of vitamin D – over the course of weeks increasing in solar intensity.
Towards the end of his life, the philosopher Rudolf Steiner – after having wasted 20 years promoting the Christo-centric soup – gave one of his most authentically Pagan lecture series, which was entitled “The Farmer’s Course” and which was the origin of Biodynamic Agriculture. This Course for Farmers was offered in 1924 at the request of Swiss and German farmers who were appalled that their agricultural soils were completely oxidized by chemical inputs. In fact, chemical agriculture had been going on in Europe since 1844 the year Justus Liebig-Möser's “Précis de Chimie” was published
Vitamin D deficiency kills… all the more so since it has been more than a century that industrial agriculture, and excessively toxic, has produced a diet with an Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio of 1/12 to 1/15 when it should be 1/1 to 1/3. The result is an oxidation of the organism leading to many pathologies and cancers.
Since January 2011, and the publication in the journal Nature of research carried out by a French team, we know that a deficiency in Omega 3 fatty acids totally invalidates the harmonious functioning of the endocannabinoid system. [1403]
«Cannabinoids powerfully affect neural networks and play essential neuromodulatory roles in the immune, central and peripheral nervous systems in the human body. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) and use them in all parts of the body where they participate in intracellular communications. Cannabinoids (endo- or ecto-) play modulatory roles in neurotransmitters such as GABA, 5HT, glutamate, acetylcholine, norepinephrine and dopamine, from a number of structures in the central nervous system such as the cerebellum, hippocampus, striatum, gray matter and cortex. They act as a presynaptic autoreceptor mechanism by modulating GABA as well as glutamic acid in the neuronal system. Glutamate receptors actually induce endocannabinoid synthesis in response to environmental (or internal) cues to regulate GABA release and system levels. Endocannabinoid production alters neurocognitive architecture, stimulating neuronal plasticity and responses to environmental perturbations. During periods of intense stress, they are usually produced in very high quantities». Stephen Harrod Buhner. Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm.
It was Professor Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – the same man who has driven all Israeli research on therapeutic cannabis since 1962 – who, in 1964, discovered the main active ingredient of cannabis, THC. It was Professor Raphael Mechoulam, again, who discovered the existence of the endogenous cannabinoid system – or endocannabinoids – when his team isolated, in 1992, Anandamine – a decidedly Vedic name! This name is derived from the Sanskrit word Ananda, meaning “joy, supreme bliss”. In the human body, the endocannabinoid system is probably the most important physiological system for maintaining human health. It guarantees homeostasis.
According to INSERM, «In industrialized countries, diets have become depleted in essential fatty acids since the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, the ratio between the quantities of Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the food rations did not stop increasing during the XXth century. These fatty acids are “essential” lipids because the body cannot synthesize them de novo. They must therefore be provided by the diet».
Thus, on the one hand, the endocannabinoid system is totally dysfunctional in a large proportion of human beings while the industrial diet is arch-toxic and increasingly lacking in the most basic constituents for human health – such as an adequate ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids. On the other hand, the Authorities – under the foolish pretext of protecting us from ourselves – have criminalized a proven source of natural cannabinoids, Cannabis, since the 1940s, to protect the paper, nylon, synthetic fertilizer, etc. industries, and now to protect the Pharmaceutical Cartels.
By the way, in April 2021, the lying squatter of the Elysee – the Supreme Coviet Guide – has decided to launch a police crackdown on “drug use”: «You roll a joint in your living room and in the end you feed the most important source of insecurity…» No kidding? This is the same Macron for whom, in July 2019, the legalization of Cannabis could become a proposal of his presidential campaign for 2022. This is the same Macron who, on September 4, 2016, declared: «Cannabis: I believe that legalization has a form of effectiveness.»
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been validated, many times, as extremely therapeutic against the Quantum/19 symptom picture… as well as a “green” reductant for graphene oxide.
A clinical study showed a 50% increase in glutathione levels in healthy people after taking 500 mg of Vitamin C daily for two weeks. Caveat: both Vitamin C and Vitamin E act as co-factors, not as the main source, in the production of glutathione: that is, they only act when the three amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid are present.
Against, supposedly, Quantum/19, it has been prescribed in very high doses by intravenous injection [1451] [1452] [1453] and has been used in many countries.
Very high doses mean 50 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of weight.
As a non-toxic reductant of graphene oxide, it has been validated in various studies [1455] [1456] [1457] including one from 2018, entitled “Green reduction of graphene oxide by ascorbic acid.” [1454]
Nicotine and Tobacco
The fact that nicotine participates in the inactivation of graphene oxide – and thus in the protection of the neuronal system – is all the more intelligible since numerous studies have proven that smokers are protected against the symptomatology called Quantum/19.
For the record, here are some excerpts from what I presented, in April 2021, in my very long medicinal monograph on Tobacco, “Les Qualités Extrêmement Médicinales et Enthéogéniques des Tabacs”. [590]
The latest study, to date, has just been published in the journal Nature, on September 10, 2021: “Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal”. [1483] [1484]
In the spring of 2020, Chinese researchers quickly realized that the percentage of tobacco smokers in Chinese hospitals, where the patients supposedly affected by Quantum/19 were treated, was very low – about 6%. [659] [660] [661] [662] [663] It turned out that the situation was similar in the USA, Germany (with 6%) [664] and France (with 5%) [665]. Indeed, in the USA, the CDC reported a minimal rate of 1.3% of smokers among patients hospitalized with Quantum/19 [667]– while hospitals in New York reported a smoking rate of 5.2%.
On April 20, 2021, a team of researchers in India published a study stating that smokers in that country were similarly minimally affected by the Covidian flu. [669] Some researchers even suggested, and continue to suggest, that pharmaceutical nicotine could be considered a preferred therapy in the treatment of all pneumonias catalogued under the name Covid/19. [713] [714] [715]
In fact, nicotine promotes the survival of neurons and therefore protects against Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Diseases, by degrading or inhibiting the SIRT6 gene that codes for the sirtuin 6 protein – a histone of the sirtuin family. [1404] [1405] [1406]
Various studies have highlighted the fact that the chances of contracting Parkinson’s disease are inversely proportional to the quantity of tobacco smoked. It is estimated that tobacco smokers have 50% less chance of succumbing to this pathology.
A recent study in 2019 found that Nicotine-based chewing gum increased blood pressure within 10 minutes in patients with Parkinson’s disease, half of whom are generally hypotensive.
According to the research of a team from the University of North Carolina, tobacco would deactivate the NOS2A gene, thus decreasing cellular destruction. This gene is present in all cells and its function is to generate nitric oxide.
It is worth noting that nicotine, caffeine and niacin – all substances with the ability to decrease the impact of these pathologies – are characterized by their ability to bind to iron. Thus, a recent study, from 2019, highlighted that, in the case of toxicity induced by high levels of iron and manganese, causing neurodegenerative disorders, nicotine has a neuroprotective capacity by protecting dopaminergic cells – namely by chelating these metals in excess. [1407]
In the fight against graphenization, tobacco is a first line therapy. This is why the ayahuasqueros, the healers, the medicine men, the White Buffalo women and other shamans in the three Americas blow tobacco: to purify the material atmosphere, i.e. the physical and psychic atmosphere. Because everything, in the Universe, is “material”.
Moreover, the shamanic process of blowing tobacco smoke on all parts of the patient’s body is reminiscent of the Asian practice of moxibustion, in which acupuncture points are heated with moxas made from Artemisia argyi, Artemisia vulgaris, or other medicinal plants. Indeed, one of the products of the burning of moxas is moxa smoke, which has anti-microbial properties and has been validated for therapeutic applications in the case of infected wounds, vaginitis, uterine prolapse, warts, anal fistulas, etc.
Cannabis sativa
Holy Ganja! Today, I am not going to start on the subject of the therapeutic qualities of Ganja. There is too much to say as per the fact that Ganja is one of the most powerful Master Medicinal Plant which, according to the plethora of landraces, eco-populations or so-called modern varieties, has more than 110 cannabinoids, more than 200 terpenes and more than 30 flavonoids… to offer.
Cannabis sativa is the most important therapeutic plant on the planet. Why? Because it is growing everywhere – from Alaska to Argentina; from Colombia to Nepal. Agronomical Science, Baby!
Concerning my psycho-physical health and harmony, Ganja is my first invocation – by vocation. Concerning the elimination, from my organism, of graphene, and other micro and nano-toxic particles stemming from our very polluted environment, Ganja is my first green shield. Bom Shakti!
Artemisia species
In March 2020, I wrote to the very sympathetic Professor Didier Raoult to inquire what he thought about the use of Artemisias – millennia-old anti-malarial plants – insofar as he was promoting hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, to relieve the symptom picture of Quantum/19.
Professor Didier Raoult never answered me. In March 2020, about the scam of the Positivity/Negativity Tests, which were very much promoted, by the way, by Professor Didier Raoult, I asked the following questions: Which Tests???? Since the Coronavirus ID/2019 does not exist…? Is it about an immense theater of dupes with stories imbricated the ones in the others and all as FAKE the ones as the others? In order to generate a plethora of cognitive dissonances, within the population, by increasing the psychosis?
In view of Professor Didier Raoult’s positions – on the criminal subjects of PCR tests, injections and the pernicious mythology of Quantum/19 variants – he is definitely part of the Controlled Opposition. Isn’t that distressing?
Artemisias are among the Master Medicinal Plants: they are extremely anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer – in addition to being anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, etc. Artemisia annua is one of the most anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory medicinal plants on the planet.
I refer the readers to my various medicinal monographs on Artemisia, written in 2018: “Pour prévenir et guérir la Malaria: les Armoises d’Artémis ou les vaccins chimériques de la Pharmacratie? Dossier n°1” [1283]; “Pour prévenir et guérir la Malaria: les Armoises d’Artémis ou les vaccins chimériques de la Pharmacratie? Dossier n°2” [1284]; “L’Artemisia annua dans la Pharmacopée Familiale” [1282].
There are a few dozen studies (published in 2020 and 2021) on the extremely therapeutic abilities of Artemisia annua against the symptoms of Quantum/19 – thus, against the symptoms of graphene poisoning: “Artemisia and Artemisia-based products for COVID-19 management: current state and future perspective”, “An overview of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 properties of Artemisia annua, its antiviral action, protein-associated mechanisms, and repurposing for COVID-19 treatment”, etc, etc. [1408] [1409] [1410] [1411] [1412] [1413] [1414] [1415] [1416].
There is even a 2018 study, “Facile synthesis of graphene via reduction of graphene oxide by artemisinin in ethanol”, [1417] on the reduction of graphene oxide with artemisinin – one of the most active substances in some Artemisia species… Because Artemisia afra does not contain any, even though it is eminently antimalarial.
This study on the reduction of graphene oxide with artemisinin contains beautiful pictures of graphene oxide.
Highly anti-oxidant Medicinal Master Plant Species
I will first present the Medicinal Plants, or complexes of Medicinal Plants, from various pharmacopoeias, which have been validated as effective against the whole range of symptoms of what has been termed “Covid/19”, “CoYid/19”, “Quantum/19” – thus, most likely, against the very wide spectrum of symptoms, and pathologies, generated by graphene oxide poisoning.
Licorice is medicinally effective against “CoviDarling” (as well as against all flu and influenzas) according to a plethora of recent and published studies, since 2020, in China, Italy, Germany, India, Turkey, Korea… So Sweet! [695] [696] [697] [698] [699] [701] [702]
A Chinese study, published in May 2020, highlighted that liquiritin, from Licorice, would inhibit the development, of the so-called Quantum/19, by masquerading as type 1 interferon. [703]
I refer the readers to my December 2020 medicinal monograph on Licorice: “Les Réglisses : une Panacée Suprêmement Médicinale”. [1269]
Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baikalensis) has been shown to be medicinally effective against Covidette (as well as against all influenza and flu) according to a plethora of recent studies published, since 2020, in China, and elsewhere.[704] [705] [706] [707]
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, of November 2020, on Skullcap: “Les Qualités Médicinales des Scutellaires”. [1270]
In 2020, the Chinese government promoted six complexes of Traditional Chinese Medicine [710] [711] to fight against the Covidian Pandemic, thus against the necro-molecular crown of graphene oxide. The first complex is called “Lianhua Qingwen JiaoNang”. In homage to the multi-millennial Traditional Chinese Medicine, here is the recipe because this medicinal complex that can, even, serve for various and diverse flu or for any pulmonary or respiratory problem. [712]
The “Lianhua Qingwen JiaoNang” contains: Isatis indigotica, Forsythia suspensa, Lonicera japonica, Rhodiola rosea, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Ephedra sinica, Houttuynia cordata, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Pogostemon cablin, Rheum officinale, Prunus armeniaca, Mentha haplocalyx, and Gypse.
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, of November 2020, on Isatis: “Les Qualités Extrêmement Médicinales du Pastel des Teinturiers”. [1271]
The second complex is called “Jinhua Qinggan Granules” and was developed during the fake flu pandemic of 2009.
“Jinhua Qinggan” is the sum of two traditional complexes. The first one is a decoction called “Maxing Shigan” mentioned in the “Shanghan Lun” treatise of Zhang Zhongjing – in the 3rd century. “Maxing Shigan” consists of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice), Ephedra sinica (Chinese Ephedra), Prunus armeniaca (Apricot Kernel), and Mentha haplocalyx. The second is “Yinqiao Powder” mentioned in Wu Jutong’s “Wenbing Tiaobia” treatise – in 1798. “Yinqiao” consists of Ephedra sinica (Chinese Ephedra), Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle), Forsythia suspensa, Platycodon grandiflorus (Large-flowered Bellflower), Arctium lappa (Great Burdock), Mentha haplocalyx, Lophatherum gracile, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Phragmites communis, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) and Glycine soya (Soybean).
The third complex is called “Xuebijing injection”. It is, even, referenced by the Cochrane organization in order to treat paraquat poisoning – a very violent toxicant of the criminal multinational Syngenta. [1273]
“Xuebijing injection” is composed of the following medicinal species: Salvia miltiorrhiza, Angelica sinensis, Carthamus tinctorius, Ligusticum wallichi and Paeonia rubra.
Beyond the medicinal plants promoted in China during the fake pandemic, there is a very large diversity of anti-oxidant medicinal plant species in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A 2003 study entitled “Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of 112 traditional Chinese medicinal plants associated with anticancer” lists 112 medicinal species with antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds. [1274]
Here are some of these Chinese medicinal species cultivated, or available (in the organic trade), in Europe: Artemisia annua, Artemisia argyi, Arctium lappa, Lonicera japonica, Dianthus superbus, Terminalia chebula, Carthamus tinctorius, Chrysanthemum indicum, Isatis indigotica, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Juglans regia, Prunella vulgaris, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Scutellaria baicalensis, Scutellaria barbata, Cinnamomum cassia, Astragalus mongholicus, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Magnolia officinalis, Schisandra chinensis, Polygonum multiflorum, Polygonum cuspidatum, Portulaca oleracea, Punica granatum, Paeonia lactiflora, Rosa chinensis, Rubia cordifolia, Houttuynia cordata, Hyoscyamus niger, Solanum nigrum, Lycium barbarum, Camellia sinensis, Angelica sinensis, Foeniculum vulgare, Curcuma longa, Zingiber officinale.
I refer the readers to my medicinal monographs, from 2018, on Artemisia. [1282] [1283] [1284] On the subject of the capacities of anti-malarial plants (and medications), it is worth mentioning a study, from August 2021, entitled “Profound and persistent disparity in COVID-19 mortality rates between USA / Western Europe and sub-Saharan Africa: A crossover effect of antimalarial drugs?” [1291]. This study presents the hypothesis that mortality due to Quantum/19 symptoms is very low in sub-Sahelian Africa (compared to Western Europe and North America) due to the fact that these countries commonly treat themselves against the impact of malaria – either with medicinal plants (such as Artemisia annua or Artemisia afra), or with conventional anti-malarial drugs (such as Hydroxychloroquine)
I refer the reader to my medicinal monograph, from June 2020, on Angelica: “Les Angéliques: des Messagères de la Terre pour Réanimer les Terriens”. [1285]
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, from February 2019, on Dianthus: “Les Oeillets, et autres Dianthus, dans la Pharmacopée et dans la Magiacopée Familiales”. [1286]
Another study, from 2003, entitled “”Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of selected Chinese medicinal plants and their relation with antioxidant content” declines 44 medicinal species with antioxidant activity. [1278]
Here are some of these Chinese medicinal species cultivated, or available (in the organic trade), in Europe – not mentioned in the previous study: Leonurus japonicus, Artemisia vulgaris, Sanguisorba officinalis, Pogostemon cablin, Platycodon grandiflorus.
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, of June 2020, on Leonurus: “Les Qualités Médicinales des Leonurus aux Queues de Lions”. [1281]
A 2005 study entitled “Antioxidant Capacity of 26 Spice Extracts and Characterization of Their Phenolic Constituents” [1287] analyzed the antioxidant potential of 26 spices or condiment plants – from various continents. The species with the highest antioxidant potential are, in descending order, the following: Syzygium aromaticum (Clove), Cinnamomum zeylanium (Ceylon cinnamon), Origanum vulgare (Oregano), Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese cinnamon), Salvia officinalis (Sage), Thymus vulgaris (Thyme ), Laurus nobilis (Noble laurel), Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Mentha canadensis (Canadian mint), and Ocimum basilicum (Basil).
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, from December 2017, on Basilics and Tulsi: “Tulsis et autres Vérités Basilico-moléculaires pour se libérer de la Terreur Pharmacratique”. [1288]
The medicinal plants of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia with anti-oxidant activity are also very numerous. Here are some of them cultivated or available (in the organic trade) in Europe: Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Centella asiatica, Asparagus racemosus, Bacopa monnieri, Curcuma longa (Turmeric), Camellia sinensis (Tea), Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon), Emblica officinalis, Ocimum tenuifolium (Tulsi), Terminalia bellerica, Zingiber officinalis (Ginger) [1289]
Regarding Camellia sinensis, there is a study from 2020, about an “ecological” method of reducing graphene oxide with green tea. [1419]
I refer the readership to my medicinal monograph, from February 2018, on Withania: “L’Ashwagandha: une pharmacopée millénaire, naturelle et très puissante”. [1290]
There is, by the way, a 2016 study of an “environmentally friendly” method of reducing a graphene oxide/iron oxide/palladium compound with an extract of Withania coagulans – a species of medicinal, and economic, importance in India – which, like Withania somnifera, has strong anti-oxidant capabilities. Withania are the Ginsengs of India.
Activated Charcoal
We invite the readers to consult two excellent articles by Jean-Baptise Loin, the last of which deals with traditional Japanese coal, is entitled – quite rightly – “Le plus puissant des charbons actifs adsorbe les nanoparticules”. [1292] [1293] For the purpose of this paper, activated charcoal is therapeutic for vaccine and drug pollution; purification of blood, liver, intestinal, digestive and urinary tracts; accumulation of heavy metals, nanoparticles and other radioactive isotopes.
Some studies recommend, in cases of acute poisoning, the administration of a very large dose within one hour of poisoning – for example, a vaccine injection. In this case, the dosage is 0.5 to gram per kilogram of body weight – so, namely, about 50 grams for an adult. [1294]
As with zeolites and other forms of clay, it is strongly recommended that activated charcoal be handled with a wooden or plastic spoon – not a metal one – so as not to disable the therapeutic properties of these substances.
If activated charcoal is effective in the treatment of wastewater to decontaminate it from the presence of nanoparticles, the same is true for the body of the Earth or the human body. There is a recent study, published in 2021, whose title is: “Preparation of biochar and biochar composites and their application in a Fenton-like process for wastewater decontamination: A review”. [1295]
With activated charcoal, we have a natural substance, based on carbon, which is extremely medicinal and which allows us to fight against the poisoning generated by unnatural and synthetic forms of carbon – namely all industrial products based on graphene.
It should be noted, moreover, that scientists have no limits in their criminal experiments. There are even studies of biochar compounds coated with graphene oxide – allegedly to remove strontium, chromium, lead, copper – and even the biocide atrazine. [1296] [1297] [1298] [1299] [1300]
Zeolites are eminently therapeutic substances for decontaminating the animal body as well as the soil of gardens and fields. Zeolites are extremely effective medicinal substances and antioxidants for eliminating free radicals, heavy metals and radioactive isotopes. There are three main types of zeolites: fibrous, leafy and crystalline. The medical use concerns crystalline zeolite, which contains high amounts of clinoptilolite.
In the spring of 2011, following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, I offered my translations of some texts related to their therapeutic action: “Medicinal Zeolites for Decontamination and De-Hallucination of the Mind”.
«Like something out of a science fiction film, Zeolite has a rather unusual name and could be mistaken for yet another cure-all. But this mineral is not only well researched, but has also been used successfully since 1997 to treat an array of illnesses. Its first role was in fact in Industry for use in water purification, air filters and cigarette filters amongst others. The more you discover how it works, the more you are convinced of its validity. Zeolite is in fact a volcanic mineral and its strength lies in its ability to absorb unwanted substances such as gases, petrochemicals, heavy metals and low-level radioactive substances. This is due to its honeycomb structure of ducts and cavities to which unwanted substances bind. The structure is rich in positively charged ions which are displaced by heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury. The toxins thus become tightly bound and are wholly excreted from the body.
Its ability to absorb nasty substances gives it precedence for the treatment of conditions involving heavy metal overload in the body. Zeolite also buffers the system towards slight alkalinity and could thus help in conditions of body acidification. The mineral is also known to bind to a range of mycotoxins produced by fungi, is also a potent antioxidant and has been used in the treatment of cancer. Evidence suggests that Zeolite has an ability to halt the growth of tumours by its indirect suppression of growth signals. It can also prevent the replication of viruses and enhance immunity by its removal of toxins from the body. Some of you may also be pleased to hear that it is also a great hangover cure, as it absorbs the toxic by products of alcohol metabolism». Nature’s Heavy Metal Detoxifier. 2006. Dr Howard Peiper. [108]
The Effective Micro-Organisms of Professor Teruo Higa
One may, also, assume that some soups of microorganisms – such as Professor Teruo Higa’s efficient microorganisms – are capable of disintegrating graphene oxide, and other forms of carbon/graphene, if they are able to digest heavy metals in the soil
See the 2017 study entitled “Biodegradation of graphene oxide-polymer nanocomposite films in wastewater”. [1156]
Chlorine Dioxide
In addition, there are a great number of therapists all over the world who prescribe chlorine dioxide for so-called Covidian symptoms. In Mexico, for example, Dr. Pedro Chávez is the president of an organization, the Comusav, with 5,000 doctors, whose aim is to treat all those suffering, from so-called Covidian symptoms, with chlorine dioxide. [686]
In Spain, the famous exponent of chlorine dioxide is the pioneer Josep Pamies – in Ballaguer. And if chlorine dioxide works against Quantum/19… it is because it works against graphene oxide poisoning.
I invite the readers to consult Andreas Kalcker’s dossier on the various methods of preparing chlorine dioxide: [1621].
Chlorine dioxide is just the reaction gas of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with an acid, which is very soluble in water and evaporates at 11°C.
MMS is the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid which contains sodium chlorite and is acidic in pH. MMS This is the name Jim Humble gave to the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid, at the time.
CDS is a concentrated aqueous solution of 0.3% (3000 ppm) chlorine dioxide gas, with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content in the solution and has a neutral pH.
According to Andreas Kalcker, 1326 scientific studies on chlorine dioxide can currently be found in PubMed, where most of them focus on the safety of toxicity in consumption. There are relatively few articles investigating therapeutic efficacy to date.
The Quinta Columna researchers found that graphene destroys zinc in the human body… which is not good news because when zinc is deficient, the human body does not have the proper enzymes to synthesize glutathione.
They also pointed out that there are many studies analyzing erectile dysfunction in people who have supposedly been contaminated with Quantum/19. [592] [593] [594] [595] [596] Some authors try to explain that this Covidian erectile dysfunction could be induced by a blockage of blood flow to the penis; or induced by stress, anxiety and depression caused by the virus; or induced by a generalized bad health condition caused by Covidian complications. [591] In fact, this erectile dysfunction is induced by graphene poisoning.
Shikimic Acid
Shikimic acid can also be used to reduce graphene oxide: it has anti-oxidant, anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Since the emergence of the fake pandemic – and the hysteria about the non-existent coronavirus Spike protein – many articles, comments and videos have mentioned the use of conifer needles to extract shikimic acid.
A study entitled “Content Analysis of Shikimic Acid in the Masson Pine Needles and Antiplatelet-aggregating Activity” highlighted its anti-coagulant potential in blood: it inhibits platelet aggregation, arteriovenous thrombosis and cerebral thrombosis. [1443] According to this study, pine (Pinus Massoniana), eastern red cedar (Platycladus orientalis) and Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) contain 5.71%, 1.74% and 8.95% shikimic acid, respectively.
In conifers, there is an abundance of shikimic acid:
In Pines. Picea koraiensis, Picea meyeri, Pinus elliottii [1517] and Pinus banksiana which are the most medicinal Chinese pine species with regard to the extraction of shikimic acid. [1509] Mason pine (Pinus massoniana) [1514]. Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) [1510]. Mugo pine (Pinus mugo) [1511]. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) [1512]. Chilgoza pine (Pinus gerardiana) [1513]. Armand pine (Pinus armandi) [1515]. Yunnan pine (Pinus yunnanensis) [1516]. White pine (Pinus strobus) [1518]. Pin maritime (Pinus pinaster) [1519]. Meyer pine (Picea meyeri) [1521]. Blue spruce (Picea pungens) [1522]. White spruce. (Picea glauca) [1522]. Red pine (Pinus resinosa) [1523].
In Thuya: for example, Oriental Thuja (Platycladus orientalis). [1520]
In Cedars: for example, Himalayan Cedar(Cedrus deodara) [1508].
Shikimic acid is also found in: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seeds, Red Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) seeds; seeds and bark of Star Anise or Chinese Badian (Illicium verum); seeds, leaves, and bark of Japanese Badian (Illicium anisatum); leaves of Wormwood (Artemisia absynthium) [1444]; bark and seeds of Liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua) [1445]; in the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus); in the rhizomes of marsh iris (Iris pseudoacorus); in the phloem of red cedar (Thuya plicata); in dates (Phoenix dactylifera); in the tubers of Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis); in the fruits of Siberian microcarpus (Malus baccata); in the fruits of Pear (Pyrus communis); in the fruits of Gooseberry (Ribes sp. ); in the leaves of Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba); in the bark and leaves of Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora); in all parts of Chinese Pepper (Houttuynia cordata); in the stems and leaves of Spider Saxifrage (Saxifraga stolonifera); in the seeds of Arjuna (Terminalia ajurna); in all parts of Pistachio (Pistacia lentiscus); in the leaves of Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis); in all parts of Agastache (Agastache urticifolia); in the leaves of Inula (Inula helenium) ); in the leaves of Gymnema sylvestris; in the seeds of Black Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula); in the flowers and leaves of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium); in the leaf juice of Wheat (Triticum aestivum); in the aerial parts of Celidonia (Chelidonium majus); in the roots of Carrot (Daucus carota); in the leaves of Green Veratrum (Viratrum viride); in the fruits of Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis).
Of all these vegetable species, the greatest quantities of shikimic acid are found in Star anise, in Pines and in Chinese Pepper.
We also find shikimic acid in the germinated seeds of legumes, beans, Mung, Soya, Alfalfa…
It is, perhaps, partly due to the presence of this shikimic acid that graphene oxide can be reduced with the soaking water of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata). [1423]
According to the study “Shikimic acid: review of its analytical, isolation, and purification techniques from plant and microbial sources” [1446], Comfrey leaves would contain 12.5% of their dry weight in shikimic acid, Ginkgo leaves 10%, Nettle leaf Agastache 8.5%.
There is a study, from 2018, on the reduction of graphene oxide with shikimic acid: “Green Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Using Shikimic Acid for Supercapacitors”.
According to a patent filed in 2015, “Isolation and Purification of Shikimic Acid” [1447], shikimic acid is found not only in the leaves of Agastache urticifolia but, also, in the leaves of Agastache rugosa and Agastache foeniculum.
Agastache are Master Medicinal Plants and I refer the reader to my monograph entitled “Les Agastaches pour soigner la malaria, la dépression, les cancers, les hépatites”. [1448]
Diversity of Agastache species: Agastache foeniculum, Agastache aurantiaca, Agastache rugosa, Agastache breviflora, Agastache occidentalis, Agastache cana. Photo by Xochi in his Applegate garden in southern Oregon.
Anti-Graphene Protocols
The anti-Quantum/19 protocol – so, in truth, the anti-Graphene protocol – proposed by the Functional Medicine website includes: curcumin, Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baikalensis), Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), Licorice (Glycyrhiza sp. ), Green Chirette (Andrographis paniculata), Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Melatonin, Vitamins A, C and D, Zinc, Quercetin, Luteolin, N-Acetylcysteine, Resveratrol, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Palmitoylethanolamide, Medicinal Mushrooms (Shiitake, Lentinula edodes; Lion’s Mane, Hericium erinaceus; Maitake, Grifola frondosa; Reishi, Ganoderma lucidum), berberine and β-glucans. [707] [708] [709]
According to a study, from 2014, it is possible to reduce graphene oxide with Ganoderma mushrooms. [1418]
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol includes quercetin, vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. [1301] It was this US doctor who introduced Hydroxychloroquine to President Trump.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, an Orthodox Jewish doctor of Ukrainian origin, has been completely censored by GAFAM [1319] because he claims that anti-Quantum/19 injections are a vehicle for global genocide. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko recently even spoke about the genocide, and thus the Holocaust, of the People of Israel – through anti-Quantum/19 injections – before a committee of anti-vaccine Orthodox Jewish rabbis… whom Rudy Reichstadt, in France, the conspiracy State theorist [1131], would surely call “anti-Semitic” and conspirationist rabbis. [1129] [1130]
When interviewed, in 2021, by Stew Peters, in the USA, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko stated that the Quantum/19 : «is a biological weapon designed to isolate Humanity and to induce a pathological and pathogenic fear that is subsequently instrumentalized by financiers in order to manipulate human behavior and drive it into a race of irrational actions.» He is convinced that the Quantum/19 poses no threat because it is a psyops – that is, a special psychological operation. For him, the goal is to genocide billions of people. [1302] Peace to his soul.
Other Anti-Oxidant and Graphene Oxide Reducers
Lamb’s-quarters (Chenopodium album). A study, from June 2020, has been published on the reduction of graphene oxide using an extract of Lamb’s-quarters. “Bio-Mediated Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles from Chenopodium album: Their Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activities”. [1485]
Lamb’s-quarters has strong antioxidant capabilities and there is a plethora of studies demonstrating this. [1486] [1487] [1488] [1489]
Hesperidin. According to the Montreal Heart Institute – and according to an Egyptian study published in November 2020 – hesperidin, a bio-flavonoid, would constitute a powerful anti-Quantum/19!!! [693] [694] Hesperidin is found in Dahlia petals, Citrus fruits and Peppermint.
I refer the reader to my medicinal monograph on Dahlias: “Les Qualités Médicinales des Dahlias”. [1524]
Hesperidin has neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-atherosclerotic, cardio-protective, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-hypertensive, venotonic properties.
Horseradish. In the register of the degradation of graphene oxide by myeloperoxidase, and other peroxidases, [1157] [1158] we can point out the horseradish peroxidase. [1160]
Nitric Oxide. A study was recently published, in August 2021, entitled “Clinical efficacy of nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) for the treatment of mild COVID-19 infection” which states that nitric oxide, or nitric oxide, nasal spray is capable of destroying the Covidian load by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours. [1150] Leaving aside the fact that no one can determine the viral load of a non-existent virus, the question remains whether nitric oxide can disintegrate graphene oxide in the body.
According to a recent study, from 2020, entitled “Nitric oxide-dependent biodegradation of graphene oxide reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract”, it does. [1153] Nitric oxide may participate in the biodegradation of graphene oxide.
There are some studies – such as “The green reduction of graphene oxide” [1420] or “Green reduction of graphene oxide by aqueous phytoextracts” [1426]– which review the various “green” (i.e. non-polluting and non-toxic) methods of reducing graphene oxide.
It should be noted that, according to this study, one of the fastest reducing agents is spinach, Spinacia oleracea. [1525]
Spinach has, already, made news, in October 2016, in the study entitled “Nitroaromatic detection and infraredcommunication from wild-type plants using plant nanobionics” – published in Nature. This is a field called plant nanobionics whose mission is to insert functions, non-original, in plants by interfacing them with certain nanoparticles. In this case, it is a study of a spinach, genetically manipulated, which becomes a self-propelled pre-concentrator, an infrared communication platform, etc. – and which can send messages to a cell phone. [1527] Is everything okay?
It seems that spinach, genetically modified with nanoparticles, could even warn us about “climate change”. [1528] If this study were recent, one would think it was a hopeless case of PTSD Covid…
By the way, the nano-particles inserted in spinach, plugged into cell phones, are based on graphene – and more specifically on carbon nano-tubes. [1529]
The substances, plants, minerals, etc, capable of carrying out this reduction are listed. Here is a partial list in order to initiate new avenues of research regarding the destruction, in the body, of the various forms of graphene:
Glutathione, cysteine, valine, lysine, alanine [1433], sodium bicarbonate, beta-carotene, dopamine [1462] [1482] , caffeic acid [1422], wild carrot roots [1429], casein, molasses [1460], cinnamon, clove, coconut water[1501], curcumin, formic acid, grape juice, green tea [1425], vitamin C [1427] [1428], melatonin [1430], zinc, oxalic acid, pomegranate juice [1502], rose water, nutritional yeast, cow urine [1436], Japanese maple leaves (Acer palmatum); leaves of Oriental Plane tree (Platanus orientalis), leaves of Cinnamon Apple (Annona squamosa). [1450]
It is also possible to reduce graphene oxide with potato, sweet potato or corn starch. [1459] And with resveratrol [1463] found in: grapes, raw peanuts, blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, cranberries, cocoa beans, pistachios, Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum / Fallopia japonica). As well as with fulvic acid. [1526]
As well as the following botanical species: Terminalia chebula (Black Myrobalan), Hibiscus sabdariffa (Guinea Sorrel), Spinacia oleracea (Spinach), Ginkgo biloba (Forty Shield Tree) [1432], Colocasia esculenta (Elephant Ears), Citrus sinensis (Orange tree) [1431], Prunus serrulata (Cherry tree), Magnolia grandiflora (Magnolia), Salvadora persica (Arak) [1434], Citrus grandis (Grapefruit), Tamarindus indica (Tamarind tree) [1435], Salvia spinosa. [1500]
In addition, there are other studies to reduce graphene oxide, with various plant species: from 2014, with the soaking water of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) [1423]; from 2019, with Nettle (Urtica sp. ) [1421]; from 2020, with Lemon Lime (Citrus hystrix) fruit peel [1424]; with Eucalyptus leaves [1490]; with West Indian Thyme (Plectranthus amboinicus) [1494]; Radish (Raphanus sativus) extract [1495]; Fig (Ficus carica) juice [1497]; Onion (Allium cepa) extract [1498]; Cabbage-Rave (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes). [1499]; the extract of Tridax procumbens [1461].
There is an “ecological” method to reduce graphene oxide by the juice of the species Calotropis gigantea. [1492] It should be noted that Calotropis gigantea, as well as Calotropis procera, have antioxidant qualities. Calotropis procera is also an anti-malarial plant in West Africa. I like very much this Family of Apocynaceae (formerly Asclepiadaceae) and I have, by the way, a nice collection of photos of Asclepias, from the USA, that I did not have the time to put all online. [1493]
There is no need to specify that if all these plant species are used to reduce graphene oxide, it is because they have been extensively studied, in vitro or in vivo, for many years, for their extremely anti-oxidant capacities. This is the case with Fig juice, Onion extract, Cabbage extract, Spinach, etc.
WOW! Nice work! I have been working on precisely the same thing and have nearly the same list! I was actually getting ready to include my results in a presentation coupled with analysis of all the nanotech I've identified in the jabs. I'll be posting it to my substack when I'm done, I'll try to remember to swing it back your way. You can hear my preliminary work in the video below, which is close to what the next one will be but with much more detail. I will reference your post!
No need to share the vid, I'm just trying to get some info out to those who matter..not build a thing I can use to sell stuff. :)
Thanks for your contribution. I could as well have spoken of the Cannabis - a Master Plant as per its capacity to grow anywhere on the planet.
Unfortunately, I do not have time to translate the many dossiers I produced in French. is not good enough for the translation of my prose, most of the time.
You may have a look at "Homo chimericus: neuro-modulation, collecte d’énergie humaine, nano-systèmes à base de Graphène, fréquences Térahertz de la 6G… et pathologies d’irradiation" = Homo chimericus: neuro-modulation, human energy harvesting, graphene-based nanosystems, 6G terahertz frequencies and radiation-related diseases". In French.
My twitter is here for thousands of posts, sometimes in English: